About this website

How to use this website.

Who this site is for

WA.gov.au is for people who need to interact with the Government of Western Australia for example: citizens and residents, business owners, public sector employees and people who want to move to or visit Western Australia.

The information on this website is brought together from a range of government agencies so that you can access government online services and information quickly and easily from a trusted source. Using a whole-of-government simple and clear design it complements, rather than replaces, existing service delivery methods such as front counter services.

Providing access to everyone is important to us. This includes people with disabilities, older people, people who can’t use or struggle with digital services, people living in remote locations and people using alternative online technologies such as mobile devices.

The website aims to meet the Government of Western Australia’s preferred accessibility standards. Please read our accessibility page for more information. The website has also been designed for usability with a mobile first approach to ensure the service is accessible on the platforms and devices you choose.

Finding information and accessing services

This website is designed to help you find what you’re looking for quickly and easily, even if you don’t know which government agency provides the service or information you need.

When you search using the search bar you will be presented with services and information registered on this site as well as broader search results from across all WA Government websites.

If you are having trouble finding what you need, you can try:

  1. searching for a different keyword or phrase
  2. browsing the list of agencies
  3. browsing all information and services

There is also the option to show all results for all WA Government website, this search looks for information from all websites using the wa.gov.au domain.

We also provide links to the Australian Government website and local government directory in case the service you are looking for is offered by other levels of government.


Information types

To help you navigate through the website we use the following visual icons to help you understand what the information types are:

Online services: a service that involves a financial payment, or where there is the provision of information personalised for the user.

Online service icon



Information about a service: information about a service that a government agency provides.

Information as a service icon



Agency: information about the government agency.

Icon showing a building representing agency information



Publication: a point in time electronic document released by an agency about a service it provides.

Icon showing a book representing an online publication



Multi-step guide: guidance or instructions on how to do something presented in a series of steps.

Icon showing a numbered list representing an online multi step guide



Announcement: latest news or alerts from an agency.

Icon showing a newspaper representing latest news or alerts from an agency



Person: information about a Minister or agency representative.

Icon showing a person representing information about a minister or agency representative



Government open data (dataset): these are sets of publicly available data collected by government, for public use.

Icon showing stacked squares representing a dataset



You can see which services are most viewed on the website by browsing popular services, these are indicated using the following icon:

Star icon indicating popular government services and information



You can choose to browse by main subject category when you see this icon:

Icon of 9 squares representing the main government service categories



We use a these icons to represent the most popular social media sites used by government agencies:

Bird icon for Twitter
F letter icon for Facebook
Play button icon for Youtube
in letters icon for LinkedIn



And a bullhorn icon for less common social media sites.

Bullhorn icon used for non-standard social media sites



Functionality icons

We use the following icons to help you use the website functions and explain what action you can take:

When you see this icon it means you can search for information:

Magnifying glass search icon



Chevron markers are used across the website to help you navigate through the content:

Chevron icon
Filled chevron icon pointing down



When you see this icon is means the link will open in a new browser window.

Icon representing that a link will open in a new browser window



You can use your browser functions to print, save or share a page.

Additional mobile icons

As well as the icons displayed above, when you view the website on your mobile device you will also see the following icons:

When you see this icon it means there is a menu which you can expand:

Menu icon



When you see this icon it means you can close a page:

Cross icon



Time zone

All hours of service are displayed in Western Standard Time unless otherwise indicated.


Over time we will look at how people are using this website and what they are searching for. This will help us to identify where we can add information and services that you need or improve how the information is presented on the website.

Tell us what you think

Feedback can be submitted to us using the feedback form.

Service Level Agreement

The Digital Services Policy requires that the service quality standard (also known as a Service Level Agreement or SLA) for websites must be documented, made publicly available and actively monitored.

Performance against this website's Service Level Agreement will be monitored and reported on by the Office of Digital Government.

Do you wish to add a service to this website?

If you represent a Western Australian Government entity (for example a Government Trading Enterprise, University, Agency, or Statutory Authority) who wishes to add your service to this website, please use the feedback form to submit your interest to our content team. Please include your name, agency information and government email address to help us deal with your request.

Page reviewed 6 May 2020