
This website privacy statement applies to, which is administered by the Office of Digital Government.

The Western Australian Government is not responsible for the content, policy or practices of websites operated by third parties that are linked to this website. Links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval by The Western Australian Government of the content, policies or practices of those third party websites. When you follow a link from this website to another website, we recommend you read and consider the privacy statement of that website.

Collection of personal information

You can browse the general content of anonymously, without disclosing your personal information. However, some functionality on this website may require you to provide personal information. Examples of this include where you wish to make an enquiry or undertake a transaction. We only collect personal information through when it is knowingly and voluntarily provided by you.

If you choose not to provide personal information to the Western Australian Government through, we may not be able to provide you with access to parts of the website or to certain content, products and services available on or from the website or generally from Western Australian Government.

The retention and destruction of records of personal information held by Western Australian Government is governed by legislation and policies including the State Records Act 2000.

Use and disclosure of personal information

Any personal information we collect through may be used or disclosed for the primary purpose for which it was collected, for example to allow us to answer your enquiry or process your transaction. We may also use or disclose personal information for related purposes, for example, where you have consented to the use or disclosure for the related purpose or you would reasonably expect the personal information would be used for that related purpose.

In some limited circumstances we may also need to use or disclose personal information for other specific purposes, including:

  • where the Western Australian Government reasonably determines that the use or disclosure of the information is necessary for one or more enforcement related activities conduct by or behalf of an enforcement body
  • where required by or under a law of Western Australia, a law of the Commonwealth or a court or tribunal order, for example pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 or in response to a subpoena

Personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the applicable legislation in Western Australia and consistent with any legal obligation.

Collection and use of site visit data

The following information may be automatically recorded by this site's web server for statistical and system administration purposes only:

  • your server address
  • your top level domain name (e.g. .com, .au, .gov)
  • the date and the time of your visit to the site
  • the pages you accessed and downloaded
  • the address of the last site you visited
  • your operating system
  • the type of browser you are using

We will not attempt to identify individuals from the above information. However, in the unlikely event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency or other government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect records of the above information.


A cookie is a block of data that is shared between a web server and a user's browser. Cookies, and the information collected through them, are used by the Western Australian Government to make this website more efficient.

Contact us

If you have any questions relating to privacy please submit your comments using the feedback form.

Page reviewed 22 August 2019