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An A-Z listing of Western Australian Government agencies.

Agricultural Produce Commission

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About us

We establish and provide governance and financial services to Agricultural Produce Commission Producers' Committees.

Find out more about the Agricultural Produce Commission.

Animal Resources Centre

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About us

We support Australian and Asia-Pacific biomedical research, teaching and diagnostics by producing and supplying genetically-defined, specific pathogen free research rats and mice.

Find out more about the Animal Resources Centre.

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Appeals Convenor, Office of the

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We give advice and make recommendations to the Minister for Environment on environmental appeals made under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Find out more about the Office of the Appeals Convenor.

Aqwest - Bunbury Water Corporation

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About us

We provide potable water services to the City of Bunbury and surrounding areas.

Find out more about the Aqwest - Bunbury Water Corporation.

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Architects Board of Western Australia

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About us

We examine, register and investigate complaints about architects and those claiming to be architects.

Find out more about the Architects Board of Western Australia.

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Art Gallery of Western Australia

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About us

We offer unique and exciting experiences of historic and contemporary Australian artists, as well as the art of the world.

Find out more about the Art Gallery of Western Australia.

Auditor General, Office of the

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About us

We act independently to audit the finances and activities of the Western Australian public sector.

Find out more about the Office of the Auditor General.


Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Department of

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About us

We promote biodiversity and conservation through sustainable management of Western Australia’s species, ecosystems, lands and the attractions in our care.

Find out more about the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

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About us

We create and provide world-recognised botanic gardens and parks and to inspire the conservation of biological diversity.

Find out more about the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority.

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Building and Construction Industry Training Fund

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About us

We support the training and skills development of eligible people in the building and construction industry.

Find out more about the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund.

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Burswood Park Board

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About us

Working to establish Burswood Park as the premier family and community park in Perth.

Find out more about the Burswood Park Board.

Busselton Water

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About us

We supply drinking water to the wider Busselton area and are investing in new services, technology and infrastructure to support growth.

Find out more about the Busselton Water.

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Central Regional TAFE

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About us

We provide an extensive range of nationally recognised qualifications ranging from Certificate I through to Advanced Diploma in a wide range of industry areas.

Find out more about the Central Regional TAFE.

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About us

We provide high quality chemical and forensic science services and advice for a safe and prosperous Western Australia.

Find out more about the ChemCentre.

Chief Psychiatrist, Office of the

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About us

We hold a governance responsibility over any Mental Health Service and other specified agencies that seek to influence the delivery of mental health treatment and care.

Find out more about the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist.

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Combat Sports Commission

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About us

We register combat sport participants, enforce health and safety guidelines, issue permits for contests and issue fines for breaches of the law and/or permit conditions.

Find out more about the Combat Sports Commission.

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Commissioner for Children and Young People

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About us

We promote the voice of children and young people and advocate for their issues, commission research, publish reports, influence legislation and policy to enhance their well-being.

Find out more about the Commissioner for Children and Young People.

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Communities, Department of

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About us

We bring together the services of disability services, child protection and family support, housing, youth justice, community initiatives and regional services reform.

Find out more about the Department of Communities.

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Conservation and Parks Commission

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About us

We advise on policies and proposals for the preservation of our natural environment and assess the implementation of vested land and water management plans.

Find out more about the Conservation and Parks Commission.

Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board

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About us

We administer a portable long service leave Scheme for employees in the construction industry.

Find out more about the Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board.

Corruption and Crime Commission

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About us

The Corruption and Crime Commission is WA's leading anti-corruption body working to expose and disrupt corruption, serious misconduct and organised crime. Giving the WA community confidence that public officers act in the public interest.

Find out more about the Corruption and Crime Commission.

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Curtin University

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About us

We offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses in business, humanities, health sciences, resources, engineering and related sciences.

Find out more about the Curtin University.

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Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, Office of

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About us

We are the independent prosecuting authority for the State of Western Australia responsible for the prosecution of serious offences committed against State criminal law.

Find out more about the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia.


Economic Regulation Authority

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About us

We work to benefit the Western Australia community by promoting an efficient and customer focused economy.

Find out more about the Economic Regulation Authority.

Edith Cowan University

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About us

We deliver more than 300 diverse courses across eight Schools and three campuses in Joondalup, Mount Lawley and Bunbury.

Find out more about the Edith Cowan University.

Education, Department of

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About us

We have responsibility for both public and non-government education services across Western Australia.

Find out more about the Department of Education.

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Energy Policy WA

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About us

We provide policy advice to government to facilitate the delivery of secure, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy services to Western Australians.

Find out more about the Energy Policy WA.

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Environmental Protection Authority

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About us

We conduct environmental impact assessments, prepare statutory policies and guidelines for environmental protection.

Find out more about the Environmental Protection Authority.

Equal Opportunity Commission

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About us

We encourage recognition and understanding of equal opportunity principles and provide a means of redress to individuals who allege unlawful discrimination.

Find out more about the Equal Opportunity Commission.


Finance, Department of

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About us

We construct and maintain government buildings, manage major state projects, lead government procurement, and administer revenue, grant and subsidy schemes.

Find out more about the Department of Finance.

Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Board

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About us

We are the superannuation fund for employees of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services of Western Australia (DFES).

Find out more about the Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Board.

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Fire and Emergency Services, Department of

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About us

We manage and deliver services to coordinate incident response and control, state hazard and special risk planning.

Find out more about the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Forest Products Commission

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About us

We promote the sustainable management of Western Australia’s forest and wood products industry using native forest, plantation and sandalwood on State land.

Find out more about the Forest Products Commission.

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Fremantle Ports Authority

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About us

We manage shipping channels, navigation aids, cargo wharves, the Fremantle Passenger Terminal, road and rail transport infrastructure, moles and seawalls and other port infrastructure.

Find out more about the Fremantle Ports Authority.

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Gascoyne Development Commission

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About us

We act to promote, facilitate and monitor development in the Gascoyne region.

Find out more about the Gascoyne Development Commission.

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Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission

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About us

We work with business, industry, the community and government to make the Region an even greater place to live, work and invest.

Find out more about the Goldfields Esperance Development Commission.

Government Employees Superannuation Board

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About us

We manage and administer the super and retirement savings of current and former WA public sector workers.

Find out more about the Government Employees Superannuation Board.

Government House

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About us

Government House is the Vice Regal office and residence of the Governor of Western Australia, and one of Perth's premier cultural heritage sites.

Find out more about the Government House.

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Great Southern Development Commission

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About us

We promote the economic and social development of the Great Southern region.

Find out more about the Great Southern Development Commission.

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Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

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About us

We provide an impartial resolution service for complaints about health, disability and mental health services in Western Australia and the Indian Ocean Territories.

Find out more about the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office.

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Health, Department of

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About us

We develop and manage policy areas of health service delivery, to ensure WA Health provides consistent, efficient and effective services.

Find out more about the Department of Health.

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About us

We fund activities related to the promotion of good health with particular emphasis on young people.

Find out more about the Healthway.

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Heritage Council of Western Australia

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About us

We work to recognise and celebrate our significant heritage places, and to promote their long-term viability through sensitive development and adaptation.

Find out more about the Heritage Council of Western Australia.

Horizon Power

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About us

We supply electricity to more than 100,000 residents and more than 10,000 businesses in regional towns and remote communities across Western Australia.

Find out more about the Horizon Power.


Information Commissioner, Office of the

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About us

We deal with complaints made about decisions made by Western Australian State and Local Government agencies under the Freedom of Information Act.

Find out more about the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Inspector of Custodial Services, Office of the

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About us

We provide accountability to the corrections system and community assurance through inspection and review of custodial services, with publically available reports tabled in Parliament.

Find out more about the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services.

Insurance Commission of Western Australia

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About us

We provide motor vehicle injury insurance for Western Australian drivers and vehicles and self-insurance arrangements for Government.

Find out more about the Insurance Commission of Western Australia.


Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Department of

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About us

We are responsible for economic development, international trade and tourism, and promote the defence, international education, science and innovation sectors.

Find out more about the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation.

Justice, Department of

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About us

We support the community, government, judiciary and Parliament by providing access to high quality justice, legal and corrective services, information and products.

Find out more about the Department of Justice.


Keep Australia Beautiful WA

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About us

We work towards litter prevention and reduction in Western Australia using community engagement, education, legislation and enforcement strategies.

Find out more about the Keep Australia Beautiful WA.

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Kimberley Development Commission

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About us

We promote the Kimberley region, identify opportunities for investment and coordinate and cooperate with government, industry and the community.

Find out more about the Kimberley Development Commission.

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Kimberley Ports Authority

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About us

We facilitate trade, plan for growth, control business activities and ensure safe, efficient and environmentally responsible operation of the port.

Find out more about the Kimberley Ports Authority.

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About us

We are the Western Australian Government's land and development agency working on more than 150 residential, industrial and commercial projects across the state.

Find out more about the LandCorp.

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About us

We look after property ownership in Western Australia and provide a land titles system, land valuation services and location information.

Find out more about the Landgate.

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Law Reform Commission of Western Australia

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About us

We assist in keeping the law up-to-date and relevant by making recommendations for the reform of areas of law referred to it by the Attorney-General.

Find out more about the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia.

Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia

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About us

We provide resources to assist the community with their legal concerns and offer services aimed at groups or individuals with particular legal problems.

Find out more about the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia.

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Legal Costs Committee

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About us

We maintain regular reviews of the scale of legal costs, provide transparency in how costs are fixed and ensure consistency in application of the principles used.

Find out more about the Legal Costs Committee.

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Legal Practice Board

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About us

We issue practising certificates, advise the Supreme Court regarding eligibility for admission, and are responsible for professional disciplinary action.

Find out more about the Legal Practice Board.

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Liquor Commission

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About us

We determine or review liquor licencing matters, including relating to complaints and the awarding of costs, and provide policy advice relating to liquor control.

Find out more about the Liquor Commission.

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Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Department of

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About us

We provide sporting, recreational, cultural and artistic policy, programs and activities for locals and visitors to the State.

Find out more about the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee

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About us

We formulate and operate a food sampling scheme for use by Local Governments.

Find out more about the Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee.


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About us

We sell and coordinate a range of lottery games and support the community through grants.

Find out more about the Lotterywest.

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Main Roads Western Australia

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About us

We build and maintain the state’s major road infrastructure and use technology to provide traveler information and improve the road network.

Find out more about the Main Roads Western Australia.

Mental Health Commission

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About us

We lead mental health reform through commissioning and providing prevention programs; treatment and support services; and system improvement initiatives.

Find out more about the Mental Health Commission.

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Mental Health Tribunal

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About us

Our role is to safeguard the rights of patients who receive mental health treatment against their will.

Find out more about the Mental Health Tribunal.

Metropolitan Cemeteries Board

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About us

We provide sensitive and dignified facilities and services to meet the needs of the deceased and bereaved.

Find out more about the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board.

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Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority

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About us

We work with local government, private developers, community and industry stakeholders to create lively places across metropolitan Perth for people to enjoy.

Find out more about the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority.

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Mid West Development Commission

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About us

We take steps to encourage, promote, facilitate and monitor the economic development in the Mid West.

Find out more about the Mid West Development Commission.

Mid West Ports Authority

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About us

We are responsible for the safe, secure, efficient and environmentally friendly operation of Mid West Ports.

Find out more about the Mid West Ports Authority.

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Mineral Research Institute of Western Australia

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About us

We directly support and fund minerals research projects, programs, events and students, and provide expertise to the government to promote minerals research.

Find out more about the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia.

Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Department of

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About us

We regulate building and mining industries, promote industry safety, health and environmental standards, and protect consumers.

Find out more about the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

Murdoch University

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About us

We are recognised across Australia for excellent teaching, ground-breaking research and our high number of satisfied students.

Find out more about the Murdoch University.

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National Trust of Australia (WA)

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About us

We work to raise knowledge and understanding of Western Australia’s natural, Aboriginal and historic heritage through conservation and learning programs.

Find out more about the National Trust of Australia (WA).

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North Metropolitan TAFE

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About us

We provide over 400 full-time, part-time or online nationally-recognised qualifications from Certificate I to Advanced Diploma across 48 industry areas.

Find out more about the North Metropolitan TAFE.

North Regional TAFE

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About us

We have twelve campuses delivering over 200 nationally recognised and industry endorsed qualifications, and training in non-accredited programs and short courses.

Find out more about the North Regional TAFE.

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Ombudsman Western Australia

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About us

We investigate and resolve complaints about the administrative decision making and practices of the public sector, local government and universities.

Find out more about the Ombudsman Western Australia.

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Parliament of Western Australia

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About us

We debate public policy and pass laws, including those to appropriate money, provide and check the government, and represent the people.

Find out more about the Parliament of Western Australia.

Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission, Office of the

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About us

We assess and investigate complaints about the actions and decisions of the Corruption and Crime Commission.

Find out more about the Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission.

Peel Development Commission

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About us

We coordinate and promote the economic and social development of Peel and partner with government, communities, business and industry on projects to benefit the region.

Find out more about the Peel Development Commission.

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Perth Mint

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About us

We are Australia’s largest precious metals business, providing premium gold, silver and platinum products and services to markets throughout the world.

Find out more about the The Perth Mint.

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Perth Theatre Trust

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About us

We manage and operate His Majesty’s Theatre, Subiaco Arts Centre, the State Theatre Centre of Western Australia and the Albany Entertainment Centre.

Find out more about the Perth Theatre Trust.

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Pilbara Development Commission

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About us

We improve career opportunities, develop the economic base and promote economic and social development in the Pilbara region.

Find out more about the Pilbara Development Commission.

Pilbara Ports Authority

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About us

We encompass the Ports of Ashburton, Dampier and Port Hedland, and future ports of Anketell, Balla Balla and Cape Preston East.

Find out more about the Pilbara Ports Authority.

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Planning, Lands and Heritage, Department of

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About us

We undertake activities relating to land use planning, land supply, land administration, all aspects of heritage, Aboriginal lands and heritage.

Find out more about the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Premier and Cabinet, Department of the

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About us

We lead the public sector in providing whole-of-Government advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet in their service of the WA community.

Find out more about the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

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Primary Industries and Regional Development, Department of

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About us

We work to develop and protect Western Australia’s agriculture and food sector, aquatic resources, and build vibrant regions with strong economies.

Find out more about the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

Public Sector Commission

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About us

The Public Sector Commission aims to create conditions for a high performing public sector that can service the needs of the Western Australian community.

Find out more about the Public Sector Commission.

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Public Transport Authority

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About us

We are responsible for public transport services, school bus services, and designing, building and maintaining our state’s transport infrastructure.

Find out more about the Public Transport Authority.


Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Trust

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About us

We are responsible for the development, control and management of the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre land.

Find out more about the The Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Trust.


Racing and Wagering Western Australia

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About us

We promote the welfare and ensure the integrity and long-term viability of Thoroughbred, Harness and Greyhound racing in Western Australia.

Find out more about the Racing and Wagering Western Australia.

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Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal of Western Australia

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About us

We determine appeals against penalties imposed in disciplinary proceedings regarding the conduct of greyhound, horse and harness racing.

Find out more about the Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal of Western Australia.

Registrar Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Department of the

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About us

We provide administrative support and infrastructure to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, which prevents and settles industrial disputes.

Find out more about the Department of the Registrar Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.

Rottnest Island Authority

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About us

We operate recreational and holiday facilities, protect the flora, fauna and natural resources and maintain the man-made resources of Rottnest Island.

Find out more about the Rottnest Island Authority.

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Rural Business Development Corporation

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About us

We administer financial support schemes for the farming sector and provide services for the rural industry on behalf of the State. 

Find out more about the Rural Business Development Corporation.


Salaries and Allowances Tribunal

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About us

We determine salaries and allowances for positions such as the Governor, Members and Clerks of Parliament, Judges and Magistrates.

Find out more about the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal.

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School Curriculum and Standards Authority

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About us

We set standards for the assessment and certification of student achievement and develop curriculum outlines and accrediting courses for schools.

Find out more about the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.

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Small Business Development Corporation

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About us

We offer free advice and guidance on starting and running a small business, plus workshops, dispute resolution support and help with commercial tenancy issues.

Find out more about the Small Business Development Corporation.

South Metropolitan TAFE

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About us

We offer more than 500 qualifications, from foundation courses and apprenticeships to associate degrees, with over 39,000 students across our 14 campuses.

Find out more about the South Metropolitan TAFE.

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South Regional TAFE

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About us

We are an established TAFE college delivering accredited vocational education and training at 12 campuses across the South West and Great Southern regions.

Find out more about the South Regional TAFE.

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South West Development Commission

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About us

We partner with communities, government, business and industry to support projects that make the South West region a better place to live, work and invest.

Find out more about the South West Development Commission.

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Southern Ports Authority

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About us

We manage port operations, governance, and performance and ensure better planning and coordination of port development.

Find out more about the Southern Ports Authority.

State Emergency Management Committee

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About us

The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) is the peak emergency management body in Western Australia.

Find out more about the State Emergency Management Committee.

State Library of Western Australia

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About us

We develop, preserve and share the State Library’s physical and digital collections.

Find out more about the State Library of Western Australia.

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State Records Office of Western Australia

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About us

We are responsible for managing, preserving and providing access to the State's records. 

Find out more about the State Records Office of Western Australia.

Swan River Trust

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About us

We provide independent strategic advice to the Minister for Environment and the Director General of Parks and Wildlife on matters affecting the rivers.

Find out more about the Swan River Trust.

Synergy Energy

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About us

We generate electricity, and sell electricity and gas to our customers. We also trade wholesale electricity and gas under ring fenced arrangements.

Find out more about the Synergy.

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TAFE International Western Australia

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About us

We are responsible for the recruitment and admission of international students studying at Western Australian TAFE colleges and public schools.

Find out more about the TAFE International Western Australia.

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Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia

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About us

We register teachers, entitling them to teach in Western Australian educational venues, and provide accreditation of initial teacher education programs.

Find out more about the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia.

Training Accreditation Council

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About us

We provide registration, course accreditation and quality assurance of vocational education and training (VET) providers.

Find out more about the Training Accreditation Council.

Training and Workforce Development, Department of

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About us

We grow Western Australia’s workforce through attraction and retention strategies, career development services, and a vocational and education training system.

Find out more about the Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Transport, Department of

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About us

We develop strategic plans, policy and provide services for coastal infrastructure, marine safety, on-demand transport, and driver and vehicle services.

Find out more about the Department of Transport.

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Treasury, Department of

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About us

Treasury WA is at the centre of Government decision-making. As the principal economic and financial advisor we influence outcomes for the benefit of Western Australia.

Find out more about the Department of Treasury.


University of Notre Dame Australia

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About us

We are a university that embraces both the modern Australian university tradition and esteemed traditions of Catholic universities both in Europe and North America.

Find out more about the The University of Notre Dame Australia.

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University of Western Australia

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About us

We are one of Australia’s leading universities. We have an international reputation for excellence in teaching, learning and research.

Find out more about the The University of Western Australia.

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About us

We own and manage thirteen sport and entertainment venues on behalf of the State Government, including Perth Arena and Perth Stadium.

Find out more about the VenuesWest.

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Veterinary Surgeons' Board

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About us

We register veterinary surgeons, specialists, nurses and surgery practices, ensure professional standards are maintained, and investigate alleged misconduct.

Find out more about the Veterinary Surgeons' Board.


Waste Authority

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About us

We work with local government, regional councils, stakeholder groups, the waste management sector and the community to promote understanding of resource recovery.

Find out more about the Waste Authority.

Water and Environmental Regulation, Department of

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About us

We manage and regulate the state’s environment and water resources.

Find out more about the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

Water Corporation

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About us

We supply water, wastewater and drainage services to Western Australian homes, businesses and farms, as well as providing bulk water to farms for irrigation.

Find out more about the Water Corporation.

Western Australia Police Force

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About us

We provide front-line police services across Western Australia and a visible police presence in the community to keep the state a safe and secure place.

Find out more about the Western Australia Police Force.

Western Australian Electoral Commission

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About us

We maintain the State Electoral Roll, conduct elections, and promote community awareness of the electoral process.

Find out more about the Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Western Australian Energy Disputes Arbitrator

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About us

We provide a disputes resolution service between users and providers of gas pipeline services and other parties seeking access to regulated gas pipelines.

Find out more about the Western Australia Energy Disputes Arbitrator.

Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association

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About us

We operate three premier greyhound racing facilities to provide an exciting entertainment product, and work to raise the profile of greyhound racing.

Find out more about the Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association.

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Western Australian Institute of Sport

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About us

We provide specialist resources to enhance the performance capability of athletes and support sport pathways which have the capability of producing sustainable results.

Find out more about the Western Australian Institute of Sport.

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Western Australian Meat Industry Authority

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About us

We review facilities that sell, slaughter and process livestock, advise on carcass branding standards and promote efficiency throughout the meat industry.

Find out more about the Western Australian Meat Industry Authority.

Western Australian Museum

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About us

We manage six public sites and a collection and research centre, and house more than 8 million objects from rare fossils to the iconic racing yacht Australia II.

Find out more about the Western Australian Museum.

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Western Australian Planning Commission

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About us

We respond to the strategic direction of government on urban, rural and regional land-use planning and land development matters throughout Western Australia.

Find out more about the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Western Australian Tourism Commission

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About us

We are responsible for promoting Western Australia as an extraordinary holiday destination.

Find out more about the Western Australian Tourism Commission.

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Western Australian Treasury Corporation

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About us

We are the central financial services and corporate treasury services provider. We work with our public sector clients to achieve sound financial risk management.

Find out more about the Western Australian Treasury Corporation.

Western Power

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About us

We manage a vast transmission and distribution network connecting Western Australians to a wide range of both traditional and renewable energy sources.

Find out more about the Western Power.

Wheatbelt Development Commission

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About us

We partner, plan, facilitate and promote development that results in the Wheatbelt being a better place to live, work, invest and visit.

Find out more about the Wheatbelt Development Commission.

WorkCover WA

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About us

WorkCover WA oversees and regulates the workers' compensation and injury management scheme in Western Australia.

Find out more about the WorkCover WA.

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Zoological Parks Authority

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About us

We contribute to the preservation of species and habitat diversity and provide visitors with the opportunity to be involved in conservation and the natural world.

Find out more about the Zoological Parks Authority.