Hon Francis Logan BA (Hons) MLA

Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services
Minister Francis Logan MLA


Francis Logan has long fought for the fair go.

From the shop floor, to university, to the union movement and currently the West Australian Parliament, Mr Logan believes in doing what is right and advocating for those that otherwise would have no voice.

He has proudly served his constituents of Cockburn since he was elected in 2001.

He is now the Minister for Emergency Services and Corrective Services in the McGowan Labor Government.

In the previous Gallop and Carpenter governments, Mr Logan was in various ministerial roles including Housing and Works; Heritage; Energy, Resources, and Industry and Enterprise from 2005 to 2008.

London-born, Mr Logan came to Western Australian in 1980 and soon found himself working in the mining industry.

His blond hair stained red from months pegging mining leases in the dusty Goldfields, Mr Logan grew to appreciate the Australian work ethic and the great spirit of mateship that symbolises this country.

He began working life as a mechanic in England and furthered his education as a mature-age student at the University of Sydney where he gained a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Economics/Politics.

As part of his studies, he won the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia National Award for his thesis examining Australia's trade relations with Japan and China.

From 1986 he worked for the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union as a national research officer in Sydney and as an elected organiser in Western Australia.

He spent 15 years on the Kwinana heavy industrial strip fighting to keep workers safe and in fair conditions.

Mr Logan is married with two adult children, Alexandra and Henry, and enjoys surfing and long-distance running.

An eternal optimist, he supports the Fremantle Dockers, Perth Glory and Manchester United.

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Page reviewed 11 June 2018