Corrective Services update

News story
Corrective Services is taking steps to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on the custodial estate.

The Department of Justice, Corrective Services has rolled out a series of measures aimed at protecting those in our care and our staff from the spread of COVID-19.

Screening is in place for new prisoners, while non-essential movement in and out of the facilities has been reduced.

Social visits to prisons, the Prison Employment Program, Reintegration Leave and a variety of Section 95 community, charitable and voluntary work has been temporarily suspended.

Official and legal visits are conducted via phone where possible and essential face-to-face meetings are conducted under social distancing rules.

During this crisis prisoners have access to free phone calls and are encouraged to access additional free mail per week to maintain vital contact with family and friends.

Minimum security prisoners who would normally be involved in community work are performing duties on site where possible, while others are being involved in new projects, creating items to be sent out to the community.

A strict increased cleaning routine has been implemented in all custodial facilities and extra education for both staff and prisoners around cough and sneeze etiquette and extensive hand hygiene has been provided.

These changes are part of a wider plan to ensure the health and safety of those in the care of the Department of Justice, Corrective Services and our staff.  

Page reviewed 9 April 2020