Land tax exemption to assist home owners in full-time care

News story
Amendments will be introduced to ensure homeowners who move into full-time care will retain their land tax exemption.
Elderly couple looking into the distance

On 11 May 2020, the Minister for Finance announced amendments to the Land Tax Assessment Act 2002 to preserve existing land tax exemptions for people who stop living in their homes because they move into full-time care.

An individual's primary residence is exempt from land tax. Currently, when that person moves into full-time care, a land tax exemption no longer applies because they are no longer living in the home.

The amendments mean that an existing residential exemption will continue to apply if:

  • the individual moves into permanent full-time care in a nursing home or other facility and
  • the use of the residence they are vacating does not generate income.

The exemption will apply from the 2020-21 assessment year.

See the Minister's media statement.

Page reviewed 11 May 2020