Launch of the Clean Energy Future Fund

News story
On 30 April 2020, the Minister for Environment, Hon. Stephen Dawson MLC and the Minister for Energy, Hon. Bill Johnston MLA launched the $9.28 million Clean Energy Future Fund to support innovative clean energy projects in Western Australia.
Wind Turbines

The State Government of Western Australia has allocated seed funding of $9.28 million to the Fund and royalties from future unconventional onshore oil and gas projects in Western Australia may be used in future funding rounds.

The objective of the Fund is to support the implementation of innovative clean energy projects in Western Australia that offer high public value through contributing to one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Significant, cost effective reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below projected (or baseline) emissions as a direct result of the clean energy project.
  • Design, deployment, testing or demonstration of innovative clean energy projects likely to deliver community benefits or lead to broad adoption and significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

The Minister for Environment and Minister for Energy will determine priorities for the funding from time to time, within the overall objectives of the Fund. The current Ministerial priorities are:

Innovative clean energy projects at significant facilities in regional and remote Western Australia.

  • Regional and remote Western Australia means facilities that are at the fringe of, or are not connected to, the South West Interconnected System or the North West Interconnected System.
  • Significant facilities are those that meet, or are expected to meet, facility level reporting thresholds under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.

The Fund is administered by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation with support from Energy Policy WA. For more information on the Fund and how to apply, please visit:

Page reviewed 30 April 2020