Electricity Networks Access Code – Horizon Power Coverage Application

The Electricity Networks Access Code 2004 (the Code) allows a “coverage” application to be made to the Minister for Energy (the Minister) requesting that the whole or any part of an electricity network be covered.

If a network is covered then it is regulated and must have an approved access arrangement in place that sets out the undertakings made by the network, including terms, conditions and prices that apply to the covered services of the network. 

Currently, the only electricity network covered in Western Australia is Western Power's network in the South West Interconnected System. 

Coverage application received

On 17 November 2014, the Minister received an application from Horizon Power to have the transmission network owned and operated by Alinta Energy in the East Pilbara region covered under the Code. Horizon Power’s application is available below.

The Code sets out the process the Minister must follow in making a coverage decision. It also establishes stages for public consultation and timeframes for decision-making by the Minister.

Coverage application withdrawn

The Code allows a coverage applicant to withdraw its coverage application at any time before the Minister makes a final coverage decision.

On 5 January 2015, Horizon Power gave notice to the Minister of its intention to withdraw its coverage application. Accordingly, the Minister is no longer required to make a coverage decision.

The Code sets out the process the Minister must follow in making a coverage decision. It also establishes stages for public consultation and timeframes for decision-making by the Minister. As Horizon Power’s withdrawal of its coverage application occurred prior to the date by which first round consultation ended, the Minister did not publish an Issues Paper and no public submissions were received. 

Page reviewed 4 September 2019