Goods and services procurement practice resources

Procurement practice guides, contract management workbooks, supplier management frameworks and sponsorship guidance to help you through the procurement process.

Use the following guidelines in conjunction with the buying goods or services guide

These documents apply to purchasing goods and services only. Guidance is also available for buying community services

Procurement practice guidelines

The Procurement Practice Guide (PPG) has been separated out into the following guidelines and the buying goods or services multi-step guide.

These guidelines contain detailed information about procurement practice issues that you may need assistance with when purchasing goods and services. A quick overview of goods and service procurement is located in the mini guide

Procurement Practice Guideline - Contracts for Professional Services - Engaging Consultants
Procurement Practice Guideline - Common Use Arrangements
Procurement Practice Guideline - Buy Local and Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy
Procurement Practice Guideline - Probity and Accountability
Procurement Practice Guideline - Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Procurement Practice Guideline - Ensuring Effective Competition in a Changing Market
Procurement Practice Guideline - Market Sounding Guidelines

Contract management guidelines

These guidelines provide useful information about effective contract management.

Contract Management Guidelines - Planning for Contract Management
Contract Management Guidelines - Contract Management Checklist
Contract Management Guidelines - Contract Transition
Contract Management Guidelines - Key Performance Indicators
Contract Management Guidelines - Monitoring Performance
Contract Management Guidelines - Managing Contract Problems

Contract management workbooks

These workbooks are designed to help contract managers monitor contract obligations, deliverables and functions as well as to document the ongoing results, outcomes and issues in one electronic file.

Contract Management Workbook - One-off Contract
Contract Management Workbook - Agency Period Contract

Supplier Management Framework

Supplier Performance Management is a business practice to measure, analyse and manage supplier performance in goods and services procurement contracts.

Sponsorship guidelines

Sponsorship is the right to associate the sponsor’s name, products or services with the sponsored organisation’s service, product or activity, in return for negotiated and specific benefits such as cash or in-kind support or promotional opportunities. These guidelines provide information about sponsorship in government.

Resources for suppliers

Contracting with the Western Australian Government - A Guide for Aboriginal Businesses
Page reviewed 22 May 2020