Pilbara electricity reforms

The Western Australian Government has requested Energy Policy WA to progress work to implement a light handed access regime and establish an independent system operator for the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

The focus of this reform initiative is to implement a regulatory regime that is a lower cost, more efficient alternative to facilitate third party access to electricity networks than the default arrangements currently in place under the Electricity Networks Access Code 2004. The establishment of an independent system operator will improve the security and reliability of power supply in the region and help facilitate better coordination between market participants.

The new regulatory arrangements are intended to commence in early 2020.

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Detailed Design Consultation Papers

The work to implement the proposed regulatory arrangements includes: 

  • developing a detailed design of the access regime and system operation arrangements;
  • engaging the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to undertake a design review process on the proposed independent system operator (ISO) model; and
  • drafting amendments to the Electricity Industry Act 2004 and related subsidiary instruments.

The proposed detailed design of the access regime and system operations arrangements are provided in two consultation papers, along with AEMO’s Review Report of the ISO role are provided below.

The proposed institutional arrangements required to implement the Pilbara electricity reforms are outlined in a third consultation paper, along with a consultation draft of the Electricity Industry Amendment (Pilbara Networks) Bill 2019 (the Bill) are provided below.

Submissions on the consultation papers closed on 16 April 2019.

Detailed Design Consultation Paper Light Handed Access Regime
Detailed Design Consultation Paper ISO Arrangements
Regulatory Framework Pilbara Electricity Networks Institutional Arrangements
Electricity Industry Amendment Pilbara Networks Bill 2019 Consultation Draft

Design Report

On 29 March 2018, a Design Report, detailing thirty-five (35) Design Elements that scope the form and function of the proposed light handed access regime and the independent system operator model, was published.

The Design Report and Better Regulation Unit Compliance Assessment Notice are provided below:

Pilbara Electricity Reforms Better Regulation Unit Compliance Assessment Notice (RG1646)

Design Consultation Paper

On 9 February 2018, a Design Consultation Paper for the new regulatory framework was published. The Design Consultation Paper and stakeholder submissions received in response are provided below:

Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Information Sheet
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Stakeholder Reference Group Forum 21 February 2018
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission Alinta
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission ATCO
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission BHP
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission FMG
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission Horizon Power
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission Shire of Ashburton
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission Town of Port Hedland
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission TransAlta
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Design Consultation Paper Submission Woodside

Issues Paper

An Issues Paper was published on 14 November 2017. The Issues Paper and submissions received in response are available below:

Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Improving Pilbara Electricity Network
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Stakeholder Reference Group Forum Presentation 11 December 2017
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Alinta
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission ATCO
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission BHP
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission CCIWA
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission City of Karratha
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission FMG
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Horizon Power
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Pilbara Development Commission
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Roy Hill
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Shire of East Pilbara
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Town of Port Hedland
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission TransAlta
Pilbara Electricity Reforms Issues Paper Submission Woodside
Page reviewed 4 September 2019