Wholesale Electricity Market reform work program

Energy Policy WA is delivering a comprehensive work program to improve the operation of the Wholesale Electricity Market.

The work program, which commenced in 2018 under the former Public Utilities Office (now Energy Policy WA), aims at achieving the following objectives.

  • To enable efficient dispatch of energy and ancillary services in order to deliver least cost electricity to customers.
  • To ensure system security and reliability arrangements are able to accommodate an increasing penetration of renewable energy generators and changes to the profile of electricity consumption.
  • To ensure an effective market power mitigation regime, limiting the potential for distortion of market outcomes to the detriment of electricity consumers.
  • To facilitate a more responsive capacity pricing regime, delivering clear signals for the efficient entry and exit of capacity to the market.

The former Public Utilities Office published a Final Recommendations Report outlining recommended reforms to achieve a more responsive pricing of capacity resources. 

The remaining elements of this reform program are now being delivered as part of the Energy Transformation Strategy

An industry forum was held on 20 September 2018.

Wholesale Electricity Market Reform Program Industry Forum September 2018
Page reviewed 4 September 2019