Supply of Oracle Products CUA0149312

The Oracle Products Common Use Arrangement (CUA) covers access to the e-Business suite, software, hardware, cloud services/support and maintenance.

The Supply of Oracle Products CUA offers two categories:

  • Category A - Enterprise Agreements such as e-Business Suite and support and maintenance renewals
  • Category B - Products such as software, hardware, cloud services, support and maintenance for new products.

In accordance with State Supply Commission policy, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business

Agreed changes have been negotiated with Oracle to the Department of Finance’s General Conditions of Contract August 2012. Agencies should not agree or sign any alternative terms and conditions unless they have sought legal advice and are comfortable with the variations requested.

A copy of the amended terms and conditions can be accessed on the eDecision Aid (Buyers Guide and Documents section). Approved CUA users can register for access via the eDecision Aid.

Category A - Enterprise Agreements

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Category A provides for Enterprise Agreements at a whole-of-government level for Oracle products. These will be managed at a whole-of-government level but the responsibility and accountability for their ongoing management rests with agencies. This category covers:

  • Access to the e-Business suite (ex RFP2) for new agencies
  • Enterprise Agreements
  • Renewals of existing support and maintenance.

Prior to the purchase or top-up of e-Business suite licences, always contact the contract manager.

Note: Oracle Professional Services are not available under this CUA. Please follow SSC Policy if you require to engage Oracle Professional Services.

Support and maintenance

Buyers are advised to seek Oracle support and maintenance (based as a percentage of the net product price) under the CUA so that the terms and conditions of this CUA apply. Renewals of support and maintenance for existing enterprise agreements or products are renewed directly with Oracle.

Oracle support renewals under the CUA from December 2019 are in accordance with WA Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 1.6%. Buyers can renew support and maintenance for multiple years simultaneously to avoid future CPI increments.

Category B - Products

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Products available under Category B fall into four areas; software, hardware, cloud services and support and maintenance.

Agencies can:

  • buy products on an incremental basis or aggregate a purchase
  • top up licences as required
  • purchase support and maintenance agreements with new products
  • seek discounts above the minimum for volume purchases.

Category B includes the following sub-categories.

Cloud Services

Oracle Cloud can assist to drive innovation and business transformation by increasing business agility, lowering costs, and reducing IT complexity. Oracle Cloud offers a broad and integrated public cloud, with services across the following key areas:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
    • Oracle Cloud’s SaaS delivers modern cloud applications that connect business processes across the enterprise. Covering everything from enterprise resource planning, human capital management, budgeting & planning, customer experience and more.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS),
    • Delivering the Oracle Database and Oracle WebLogic Server as Oracle Cloud’s PaaS enterprise cloud platform. Built on Oracle technology, helps organizations drive innovation and business transformation.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
    • Offering a comprehensive set of infrastructure services – including elastic compute and storage – Oracle Cloud’s IaaS lets businesses run any workload in the cloud. This is a fully integrated environment that has been optimised for the cloud and provides a unified security mode.
  • Data as a Service (DaaS)
    • DaaS provides a centralised way to source, manage and furnish data to any business user in an immediately consumable format. Data is provided through a cloud service – connecting business users and applications to a rich set of information to inform business actions. Oracle DaaS takes a vendor-agnostic approach so customers can activate the data in any application or engine of choice.

Note: Oracle Professional Services are not available under this CUA. Please follow SSC Policy if you require to engage Oracle Professional Services.


Oracle Engineered Systems are core building blocks for Oracle’s data centre and cloud computing offerings. These pre-integrated products are designed to be upgraded effectively and efficiently and to simplify routine maintenance by providing a single solution for software patching.

Database Software

Oracle Database software is designed to enable reliable and secure storage, retrieval and manipulation of all forms of data. A number of optional add-on products are available with Oracle Database Enterprise Edition software to address specific customer requirements.

Some of the Oracle Database Software offerings are:

  • Cloud computing and consolidation
    • Oracle Multitenant software option
  • Performance and scalability
    • Real Application Clusters
    • Oracle In-Memory Database Cache
    • Oracle Advanced Compression
    • Oracle Partitioning software options
  • Data Security
    • Oracle Advanced Security
    • Oracle Database Vault
    • Oracle Audit Vault
    • Database Firewall software options

Fusion Middleware

Oracle Fusion Middleware software is offered via license and subscription based arrangements. These products are designed to form a reliable and scalable foundation on which customers can build, deploy, secure, access and integrate business applications and automate business processes.

Oracle Fusion Middleware software is designed to work with both Oracle and non-Oracle databases, middleware and application software through its open architecture and adherence to industry standards.


Oracle Applications provide industry-specific solutions for customers in various industries including communications, engineering and construction, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, retail and utilities, among others.

The Oracle Applications Unlimited program includes the Oracle e-Business Suite, Siebel, PeopleSoft and JD Edwards applications software products, among others.

The Applications category includes both Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and Business Intelligence (BI).

Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)

Oracle’s EPM applications are an integrated, modular suite that supports a broad range of strategic and financial performance management processes and helps unlock business potential.

The EPM applications includes planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions and financial close and reporting solutions.

Business Intelligence (BI)

Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite offers a BI platform for ad hoc query and analysis, dashboards, enterprise reporting, mobile analytics, scorecards, multidimensional online analytical processing and predictive analytics, on an architecturally integrated business intelligence foundation.

Support and Maintenance

Buyers can purchase support and maintenance as part of the new product purchases (based as a percentage of the net product price) under Category B of the CUA. Renewals and extensions of existing products should be purchased under Category A.


Implementation and testing services are not available under this CUA. If services are purchased as a separate requirement, the services component should be purchased under ICT Services CUA ICTS2015 and the products component from this CUA.

Note: Implementation and testing services are not available under this CUA. These services are procured through the ICT Services CUA ICTS2015 

Out of scope activity

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  • Oracle Professional Services
  • Implementation and testing services

These services are procured through the ICT Services CUA ICTS2015 

What are the buying rules?

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Buyers can pick and buy products based on the minimum discount percentage for the product(s) via the eDecision Aid price list/discount schedule.

Buying Process

Category A.

  • Place an order directly with Oracle by completing the CUA Order Form and emailing it to
  • The CUA Order Form is not required for the renewal of support and maintenance of existing enterprise agreements directly with Oracle such as e-Business Suite products.

Category B

  • Using the CUA Order Form on Contracts WA, direct purchase from Oracle or seek quotes from the Channel Partners in order to obtain the best value for money.
  • If you wish to seek quotes from Oracle and the Channel Partners, please contact the Contract Manager or the Oracle Account Manager in the first instance.
  • The CUA Order Form is not required for the renewal of support and maintenance of existing Oracle products directly with Oracle.

Specialised products

There are a number of products available through this CUA such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for which there are viable alternate products available in the market.

Where there are viable alternate products available in the market, agencies should document the justification in the selection of Oracle products over the alternate products such as an open tender process, existing investments in Oracle for compatibility purposes or agencies’ ICT Strategic or Business Plan that supports their ICT investment in the Oracle product.

Agencies should refer to the State Supply Commission Open and Effective Competition Policy for guidance and can seek further clarification from the contract manager.

Policy requirements

Buyers should be aware of the following requirements under State Supply Commission policies and Treasurer’s Instruction 820, and whether or not they are applicable to purchases from this CUA:

Requirement Applicable to purchases made under this CUA?
Buyers must publish details of their purchase, or any variation to any purchase under this CUA, on TendersWA. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must submit a procurement plan, an evaluation report, a contract management plan or any variation to the State Tender Review Committee. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must involve the Department of Finance. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of the Department of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA.

Yes, at all values. 

Please note that public authorities are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance, regardless of value, when seeking an exemption from the minimum requirements of the Open and Effective Competition Policy and the use of mandatory Common Use Arrangements for a purchase from an Australian Disability Enterprise or an Aboriginal business.  

Process to buy from a Channel Partner

Buyers may only engage Channel Partners that are nominated and accredited by Oracle through this CUA for purchases made under Category B only.

The Channel Partners nominated and accredited by Oracle will carry out all CUA duties required to supply the requested Oracle products. Channel Partners must use the terms and conditions of the Oracle CUA and must not propose alternate terms and conditions.

Exemption from using this CUA

Government Procurement is responsible for processing and approving all requests from public authorities seeking exemption from using a mandatory CUA. Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.

An exemption to name a proprietary product is not required when renewing or extending support for Oracle products under this CUA. All other exemption requests (including justification for using third party support for Oracle products) should be directed to the contract manager or the Director, Common Use Arrangements in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.

Refer to the Procurement Practice Guidelines for more information on exemptions.

Contract terms and conditions

Agreed changes have been negotiated with Oracle to the Department of Finance’s Request Conditions and General Conditions of Contract (August 2012). Agencies should not agree or sign any alternative terms and conditions unless they have sought legal advice and are comfortable with the variations requested.

A copy of the amended terms and conditions can be accessed on the eDecision Aid (Buyers Guide and Documents section). Approved CUA users can register for access via the eDecision Aid.

NOTE: All buyers must use the CUA Order Form. The agency risks inadvertently accepting additional terms and conditions not covered by the CUA should they use a Contractor’s alternative order form.

Insurances and indemnities, liabilities and releases

The minimum insurance requirements to be maintained by Oracle are:

  • Head Agreement
    • Public liability insurance - not more than $20M for any one occurrence and $20M in the aggregate
    • Workers’ compensation insurance in accordance with the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA)
  • Customer Contract
    • Public liability insurance - not more than $20M for any one occurrence and $20M in the aggregate
    • Products liability insurance - not more than $20M for any one occurrence and $20M in the aggregate
    • Professional indemnity – not less than $5M per claim and in the annual aggregate

Customers should be aware that limitations may apply to Oracle’s Indemnities, Releases and Liabilities. Please contact the contract manager to discuss applicable limits.

Who are the contractors?

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The matrix below lists all contractors on the CUA and the products they provide. Please refer to the What’s on offer? section for an outline of each category.

Category A: Enterprise agreements/ support and maintenance

The sole supplier under this category is the Oracle Corporation.

Category B: Products

Suppliers Systems Database Software Fusion Middleware Applications (EPM & BI) Cloud Services
Oracle Corporation yes yes yes yes yes
ASG Group yes yes yes yes yes
Atos yes yes yes nil yes
Data#3 yes yes yes nil yes
Datacom Systems WA yes yes yes nil yes
Data Intensity yes yes yes nil yes
Deloitte yes yes yes yes yes
Fujitsu yes yes yes yes yes
Fusion Apps Consulting nil nil nil yes yes
Insight Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd yes yes yes nil yes
Ioppolo & Associates nil nil nil yes yes
M-Power Solutions nil nil nil yes yes
NEC yes yes yes yes yes
Nextgen Distribution nil nil nil yes yes
NTT Com ICT Solutions yes yes yes yes yes
Oakton yes yes yes yes yes
OnCall DBA yes yes yes nil yes
Pebble IT yes yes yes nil yes
Pinpoint HRM nil nil nil yes yes
Presence of IT (OCL) Pty nil yes yes nil yes
Prescience Technology yes yes yes nil yes
PrimeQ yes yes yes nil yes
SDS yes yes yes yes yes
DXC RedRock yes yes yes yes yes

Category B – Distributors

Distributors work with Channel Partners to service all requirements of the Oracle product set. They provide support to Oracle Channel Partners and can be contacted directly if agencies are unsure of the Oracle Partner they should speak to.

Suppliers Systems Database Software Fusion Middleware Applications (EPM & BI) Cloud Services
Avnet Technology Solutions nil yes nil nil nil
Nextgen Distribution nil yes nil nil nil


Making the most of this contract

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  • You must use the CUA order form to avoid inadvertently accepting additional terms and conditions.
  • Choose the best value for money quotation.
  • Oracle and the Department of Finance have agreed on changes to the Request Conditions and General Conditions of Contract (August 2012). Agencies should not agree or sign any alternative terms and conditions unless they have sought legal advice and are comfortable with the variations requested. A copy of the amended terms and conditions can be accessed on the eDecision Aid (Buyers Guide and Documents section). Approved CUA users can register for access via the eDecision Aid.
  • Oracle can assist agencies wanting to consider a potential change from an on-premise Oracle product such as the e-Business Suite (ex RFP2) to Oracle cloud service through a consultative assessment workshop process. View the Supporting information section for more information.

What will it cost?

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Pricing information is available in the eDecision Aid.

Payment by Purchasing Card

The government Purchasing Card offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased.

Always remember to inform the supplier that you will be paying by government Purchasing Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.

How do I buy?

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You can pick and buy products based on the minimum discount percentage for the product(s) on the price list/discount schedule.

Buying process

Category A

  • Place an order directly with Oracle by completing the CUA Order Form and emailing it to:
  • The CUA Order Form is not required for the renewal of support and maintenance of existing enterprise agreements directly with Oracle such as e-business suite products.

Category B

  • Using the CUA Order Form, direct purchase from Oracle or seek quotes from the Channel Partners in order to obtain the best value for money.
  • If you wish to seek quotes from Oracle and the Channel Partners, please contact the Contract Manager or the Oracle Account Manager in the first instance)
  • The CUA Order Form is not required for the renewal of support and maintenance of existing Oracle products directly with Oracle.

Specialised Products

There are a number of products available through this CUA such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for which there are viable alternate products available in the market.

Where there are viable alternate products available in the market, agencies should document the justification in the selection of Oracle products over the alternate products such as a open tender process, existing investments in Oracle for compatibility purposes or agencies’ ICT Strategic or Business Plan that supports their ICT investment in the Oracle product.

Agencies should refer to the State Supply Commission Open and Effective Competition Policy for guidance and can seek further clarification from the contract manager.

Supporting information

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Customer 2 Cloud Program Guidelines

Oracle provides agencies pre-sale advice through a workshop process for a change from an on-premise Oracle product such as the e-Business Suite (ex RFP2) to an Oracle cloud service.

The objective of the workshop(s) is for Oracle to gather sufficient information on the Agency’s operations, objectives, current level of product utilisation and configuration, customisations, integrations and related issues to enable Oracle to prepare an output document. The process also enables the agency to evaluate the proposed Cloud service, see the solution in action, and undertake Q&A.

The workshop output documents generally include an executive summary, architecture overview, bill of materials, investment pricing, return-on-investment with various commercial options, recommendations and next steps.

Commercial options include utilising Oracle’s Customer to Cloud (C2C) promotion which enables the existing on-premise licenses to be used as a credit towards the cloud purchase, or alternatively purchasing as a non-C2C net new purchase. There are benefits and considerations to each option. A workshop evaluation process will enable both Oracle and the agency to gather required information to determine the recommended commercial option based primarily on value for money.

Benefits for Customer to Cloud (C2C) can include;

  • Higher discounts by recognizing the agency as an existing Oracle client
  • Shelving of some or all of the client’s on-premise licenses in favour of a cloud solution, whilst retaining the on-premise license for enquiry read-only historical data access
  • Pro rata support credit for unused on-premise license support
  • A transition period that enables the agency to continue to use the shelved on-premise licenses and receive limited technical support, whilst transitioning to cloud services.

The C2C promotion has additional benefits and considerations which will be determined and discussed through the workshop process.

The assessment workshop process and associated output documentation is the first step in the cloud journey, enabling the agency to make an informed decision and providing the foundation for subsequent later steps for the agency that may include budget preparation, submission to EERC for funding, preparation and release of an implementation services request, assessment and selection of an implementation contractor.

Agencies are recommended to contact the Contract manager for the Oracle CUA, who will in turn liaise with the Oracle Government Account Director to initiate the assessment workshop process.


ASG Group

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Contact details

Contact name:
Andrew Aitken
Direct telephone:
61 4 30 714 414
General telephone:
61 8 9420 5420

About us

57 070 045 117

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 26 May 2020

Atos (Australia) Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Dennis McGrillen
Direct telephone:
61 4 08 406 017
General telephone:
61 8 9381 8911

About us

57 070 045 117

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Avnet Technology Solutions

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Simon Sztajer (BDM Southern Region)
Direct telephone:
61 4 14 808 130
General telephone:
61 3 9099 3704
Avnet Technology Solutions

About us

18 003 085 050

Supplies: Category B - Systems (Distributors)
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 26 November 2019

Datacom Systems (WA) Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Les Langton (Senior Client Executive)
Direct telephone:
61 4 03 538 359
General telephone:
61 8 6466 6888

About us

91 724 684 688

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Category B - Systems (Distributors)
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 26 May 2020

Data Intensity

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
David Stableford (Sales Director)
General telephone:
61 4 47 159 886

About us

39 161 181 835

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

DXC Red Rock Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Kylie Towie, Client Partner
Direct telephone:
0477 731 638
General telephone:
0477 731 638

About us

59 081 356 425

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 9 March 2020


Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Melissa Vivian
General telephone:
61 8 9212 5064

About us

19 001 011 427

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 21 May 2020

Fusion Apps Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Craig Wood (Fusion Apps Director)
General telephone:
61 4 22 906 060

About us

30 128 751 468

Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: To be advised
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Insight Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Peter Lyons (Public Sector Account Manager/BDM)
Direct telephone:
61 4 16 678 545
General telephone:
61 8 6330 4809
Insight Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd

About us

47 058 645 677

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: To be advised
Business Hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 14 May 2020

Ioppolo & Associates

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Guy Ioppolo (Managing Partner)
Direct telephone:
61 4 08 060 923
General telephone:
61 8 6382 1701

About us

14 146 404 137

Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

M-Power Solutions

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Mark Simpson (Director, Business Development)
Direct telephone:
61 4 04 429 014
General telephone:
61 8 9481 0013

About us

70 104 312 209

Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Nextgen Distribution

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Sally McIntosh (Team Leader, Sales)
Direct telephone:
61 4 22 350 021
General telephone:
61 2 9119 4260

About us

70 104 312 209

Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Category B - Systems (Distributors)
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

NTT Com ICT Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Julie Barbieri (General Manager)
Direct telephone:
61 4 12 956 678
General telephone:
61 3 9230 9000

About us

61 059 040 998

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Contact details

Contact name:
Keyt Atkinson (Client Manager)
Direct telephone:
61 4 17 777 723
General telephone:
61 8 9222 8300

About us

31 100 103 268

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: To be advised
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

OnCall DBA

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
John Flynn (CEO)
Direct telephone:
61 4 18 952 906
General telephone:
1300 551 524

About us

70 141 973 640

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 14 May 2020

Oracle Corporation Australia Pty Limited

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Scott Cowans (Government Account Director)
Direct telephone:
61 405 486 981
General telephone:
61 8 9324 7204
Oracle Corporation Australia Pty Limited

About us

80 003 074 468

Category A - Enterprise agreements
Category A - Support and Maintenance
Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Pebble IT

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Marck Moscatelli (Managing Director)
General telephone:
61 2 92460 0000

About us

96 121 054 653

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 26 May 2020

Prescience Technology

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Adam Mule (ANZ Sales Manager) and and Jan Bray (National Sales Support)
Direct telephone:
61 4 09 080 633
General telephone:
1300 086 816
Prescience Technology

About us

62 112 422 778

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
Jan Bray – National Sales Support
P-card Accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Contact details

Contact name:
Ronny Braunstein (Sales Manager)
Direct telephone:
61 4 14 718 289
General telephone:
1800 077 463

About us

71 608 713 033

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: Yes
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 23 November 2019

Contact details

Contact name:
Chris Hinds (Chief Operating Officer)
Direct telephone:
61 4 51 373 191
General telephone:
61 8 6142 6402

About us

66 025 760 594

Category B - Systems (Products)
Category B - Database Software
Category B - Fusion Middleware
Category B - Applications (EPM & BI)
Category B - Cloud Services
Orders Via:
P-card Accepted: No
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Last updated: 14 May 2020
Page reviewed 26 May 2020