Telecommunication Services CUA56808

Common use arrangement (CUA) information for purchasing telecommunications services and products.

This common use arrangement (CUA) now only applies to Category C - Mobile Services. This CUA aims to simplify the purchase of telecommunications services and products. These include mobile and satellite services as well as handsets for government.

In accordance with State Supply Commission policy, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business

Regional purchasing discretion can be applied in accordance with the Government’s Buy Local Policy to purchase Category C – Mobile Handsets. Details of this policy can be found on the State Supply Commission Procurement Policies page.

For any Department of Education/School related queries please contact the Department of Education Customer Service Centre (located in contact section on the right hand side of this page).

What's on offer?

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Service description and categories

Categories A and B were cancelled in September 2017. Category C remains available under this CUA.

Category C – Mobile services

Mobile services encompass:

  • mobile phone services and SMS
  • mobile satellite services

Sub-Category C1 – Mobile Network/Cellular Services

This class encompasses:

  • airtime services
  • handsets
  • accessories

Public authorities may purchase handsets and other hardware (such as wireless modems) separately from Airtime services on a discretionary basis under the CUA from 12 July 2019. Available hardware (including handsets) offered by CUA Contractors is listed within the Mobile Handset Price Schedules.

Sub-Category C2 – Mobile Satellite Services

This class encompass:

  • airtime services
  • handsets
  • accessories

Public Authorities will need to purchase handsets from the chosen network service provider as handsets only work with the respective satellite network.

Note: The additional service offered as personnel and tracking services is considered a non-mandatory service under this category.

Cancelled services

Category A – Fixed voice services

This category was cancelled 4 September 2017

Category B – Fixed data services

This category was cancelled 4 September 2017

For more information, please refer to the cancellation of Category A and B frequently asked questions.

What are the buying rules?

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Pick and Buy Purchasing is available for services with pricing published in the price schedules.

Value for money must be considered when selecting contractor(s) from the panel for both metropolitan and regional areas.

Public Authorities planning to contract for longer than 12 months should seek quotes from all contractors.

Public Authorities requiring a variation to the standard specifications in the CUA should negotiate the prices/rates with the selected contractor. If this does not result in agreed prices/rates, then public authorities should seek quotes from all contractors.

Policy requirements

Buyers should be aware of the following requirements under State Supply Commission policies and Treasurer’s Instruction 820, and whether or not they are applicable to purchases from this CUA:

Requirement Applicable to purchases made under this CUA?
Buyers must publish details of their purchase, or any variation to any purchase under this CUA, on TendersWA. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must submit a procurement plan and a contract management plan to the State Tender Review Committee. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must involve the Department of Finance. No, buyers do not need to involve the Department of Finance when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of the Department of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA.

Yes, at all values.

Please note that public authorities are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance, regardless of value, when seeking an exemption from the minimum requirements of the Open and Effective Competition Policy and the use of mandatory Common Use Arrangements for a purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business.


Public Authorities may modify the specifications to meet their special needs by:

  • changing the character or quality of any services
  • additional warranty
  • negotiating specific service level agreements
  • service maintenance, implementation, training and support services
  • product maintenance, implementation, training and support services

The contractor cannot vary the services under the Telecommunications CUA 56808 except as requested by the Public Authority in writing.

Contract Terms and Conditions

Contractors have agreed to the Department of Finance’s Request Conditions and General Conditions of Contract (March 2009). Agencies should not agree or sign any alternative terms and conditions unless they have sought legal advice and are comfortable with the variations requested.

Agreed changes have been negotiated with:

  • Telstra Corporation Limited
  • Optus Networks Pty Ltd.

Please contact the contract manager for copies of the amended terms and conditions for these suppliers.

Exemption from using this CUA

Finance is responsible for processing and approving all requests from public authorities seeking exemption from using a mandatory Common Use Arrangement (CUA). Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.

Exemption requests should be directed to either the contract manager or the Director Common Use Arrangements in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.

For guidelines information on exemption requests, please refer to the State Supply Commissions Open and Effective Competition Policy.

Who are the contractors?

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The matrix below lists all contractors on the Telecommunications CUA 56808 and the goods/services they have been contracted to provide. You may only purchase telecommunication services and equipment from the following contractors:

Contractor C1 Mobile Network Services C2 Portable Satellite Services
Optus Networks Pty Ltd yes yes
IPSTAR Australia Pty Ltd no yes
Pivotel Group Pty Ltd no yes
Telstra Corporation Ltd yes yes
Vodafone Australia Pty Ltd yes no

Making the most of this contract

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  • Services offered longer than twelve months should be avoided as they can be refreshed regularly to ensure value for money.
  • Public Authorities planning to contract for longer than twelve months should seek quotes from all contractors under the relevant category.
  • Refer to the eDecision Aid to obtain the latest pricing for Telecommunications Services. These prices can only be accessed by approved CUA users.
  • Public Authorities should consolidate their bills under one account and consider online or ‘On-Net’ payment methods to further reduce their transaction costs.
  • Public Authorities should consider separate contractors for metropolitan and regional areas when deciding on value for money.

What will it cost?

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Pricing information is ‘commercial in confidence’ and as such unauthorised use of the information is strictly prohibited.

The prices are available for viewing to Approved CUA Users only.

Access to the pricing information requires the user to log in with a password. Requests for access must be sent via your work email address to demonstrate you are employed by an organisation included in the Approved CUA Users list.

When access has been granted, pricing can be viewed by clicking on the following links:

eDecision Aid Category C – Mobile Phone Services rates

Payment by Purchasing Card

The government Purchasing Card offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased.

Always remember to inform the supplier that you will be paying by government Purchasing Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.

How do I buy?

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To obtain prices for the CUA, Buyers should review:

  • the eDecision Aid
  • the contractor price schedules

Public Authorities should assess value for money where more than one contractor is appointed to a category.

Public Authorities are encouraged to use the Pick and Buy Proforma purchase order form.

Pick and Buy Purchasing is available for services with published pricing within the price schedules.

Value for money must be considered when selecting contractor(s) from the panel for both metropolitan and regions.

Public Authorities planning to contract for longer than 12 months should seek quotes from all contractors.

Public Authorities requiring a variation to the standard specifications in the CUA should negotiate the prices/rates with the selected contractor. If this does not result in agreed prices/rates, then public authorities should seek quotes from all contractors.

When purchasing goods and/or services, public authorities, and any private sector organisations purchasing on their behalf, must understand and comply with the policy requirements outlined in the SSC policies.

All SSC policies can be viewed on the State Supply Commission Procurement Policies page.

After I buy

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Insurances and indemnities, liabilities and releases

The minimum insurance requirements to be maintained by contractors are:

  • public liability insurance - not less than $5M per occurrence and unlimited in the aggregate
  • products liability insurance - not less than $5M per occurrence and in the annual aggregate
  • workers’ compensation insurance in accordance with the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA)

Customers may specify a higher insurance cover if required. Where this may result in additional cost to the customer, the contractor is required to specify the amount at the time of the order.

Customers should be aware that limitations may apply to contractors’ indemnities, releases and liabilities. Please contact the contract manager to discuss limits that apply and/or to obtain current insurance certificates.

Do I have to buy from this contract if I am purchasing from a regional location?

If you are purchasing from a regional location, you must buy from this contract. This CUA is mandatory for Public Authorities state-wide for:

Category C1 (Mobile Services – Airtime Services Only)

Category C2 (Satellite Services – Airtime and Handsets)

If you are outside the Perth Region, you can apply regional purchasing discretion in accordance with the Government’s Buy Local Policy to purchase Category C – Mobile Handsets. Details of this policy can be found on the State Supply Commission Procurement Policies page.

What happens if I need to purchase products/services that are not available under the Telecommunications CUA?

This CUA offers a range of standard services and can also offer other services that fall within the scope of the contract.

The Public Authority may modify the operational requirement specifications to meet its special needs. Where the public authority has a specific need that cannot be addressed through the CUA it may seek an exemption from the Department of Finance; Exemption requests should be directed to the Director Common Use Arrangements in the first instance;

Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered;

The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the public authority;

Where an exemption is granted, public authorities must purchase in accordance with relevant State Supply Commission Policies. Details of these policies can be found on the State Supply Commission Procurement Policies page.

What happens if I need to purchase a similar service that falls within the Telecommunications CUA 56808 scope but is not actually listed on the CUA?

Please refer to the Buying Rules.

I wanted to confirm the costs for international roaming charges under the Telecommunications CUA 56808 contract?

Department of Finance’s online pricing now lists the majority of the international roaming charges and options available. Please note that some legacy plans may have different roaming rates. You would need to consult with the contractor for your mobile service regarding the costs of these charges as they can vary between suppliers.

What mobile hardware devices are available under the Telecommunications CUA and how do I obtain the prices for these?

Contractors under sub-category C1 – Mobile Services provide mobile hardware devices on their price lists published on Contracts WA.

If these devices do not meet agency requirements, an agency can choose to contact the contractors about any additional devices.

Once a mobile hardware device has been selected, the Public Authority is required to confirm the pricing with the chosen contractor and place the order.

Alternatively, agencies may choose to source mobile hardware devices outside of the CUA in accordance with State Supply Commission policy.

In determining value for money, the suppliers’ rates may need to be discussed with other members of the team / Public Authority / Public Authority’s consultants and/or other stakeholders. What is allowed and not allowed in this situation?

The suppliers’ rates are ‘commercial-in-confidence’ and must be treated as such at all times.

However, in determining value for money, the suppliers’ rates can be discussed with:

  • Government employees (as they are bound by the confidentiality policy); and
  • Consultants to government – if working on a relevant project and if there is the appropriate confidentiality of information agreement in place between the public authority and its consultants.

It must not to be discussed with:

  • Any other Contractor from the Telecommunications CUA 56808; and/or
  • Any other Telco Supplier/Carrier.

Are pager systems available from the CUA 56808?

The Telecommunications Services CUA 56808 is predominantly a service based CUA with the exemption of mobile and satellite phone technology hardware.

A pager system works off a radio network and as such would most likely not be covered by the contract. These devices would therefore need to be purchased in accordance with the SSC procurement policies and guidelines.

All supply policies can be viewed at the Department of Finance and SSC's websites accessible via the following link: State Supply Commission Procurement Policies page.

Can you please let me know if the mobile telecommunications CUA covers the iPad requirements? Or can I go outside of the CUA to purchase them?

The CUA covers the SIM cards/data plans for the iPads, but the iPads themselves can be purchased within CUACMD2014 Computing and Mobile Devices.

Consequently, you can get the iPad data plans under CUA 56808 from any of the suppliers under the contract, for example, Telstra, Optus and Vodafone.

It is mandatory to source these data plans under the CUA.

What would be the process to utilise the services of a mobile carrier’s network who is not a Contractor of CUA 56808?

If your public authority wants to utilise a mobile carrier’s network who is not a contractor of Telecommunications CUA 56808, then an exemption from the CUA would have to be obtained.

In the event that an exemption is required, the Department of Finance would expect your Public Authority to demonstrate that the requirements cannot be met under the Telecommunications CUA 56808. At a minimum, your Public Authority would need to demonstrate it had discussed its requirements with all the Contractors under the CUA’s sub-category C1 and identified that no contractor could meet them. This is the minimum before an exemption would be approved.

What do I do if I am unhappy with the service of a contractor?

Contact the contractor and request a meeting to resolve the matter:

  • clearly outline the issue
  • ask the contractor to explain
  • together resolve the matter

If the problem or issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, please log your complaints via Finance’s online Feedback management system. It is located in the feedback section on the right hand side of this page.


IPSTAR Australia Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Dave Townsend (primary contact)
General telephone:
1300 880 663 (orders)
0424 225 350 (Dave Townsend)

About us

85 107 338 901


  • 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday


  • Category C2

Orders by email are preferred but can also be completed via fax and phone.

See the IPSTAR Contractor Details document for specific contractor details.

Last updated: 10 February 2020

Optus Networks Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Jaxx Flamm (primary contact)
General telephone:
61 4 12 222 980 (Jax Flamm – mobile)
61 8 9288 3030 (fax)

About us

92 008 570 330


  • Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
  • 8.30am to 4.00pm (eastern states daylight savings time)
  • 8.30am to 5.00pm (non-daylight savings time)


  • Category C1
  • Category C2

Please order via email.

Help Desk/enquiries:

  • T: 134 315
  • PIN Agency specific (If you forget your PIN contact the Primary Contact to retrieve it)

See the Optus Contractor Details document for specific contractor details.

Last updated: 2 December 2019

Pivotel Group Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Paul Kubat (primary contact)
General telephone:
61 4 50 941 176

About us

81 099 917 398


  • AWST 6.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, except public holidays


  • Category C2

Orders by email are preferred but can also be completed via phone.

Customer Care:

See the Pivotel Contractor Details document for specific contractor details.

Last updated: 2 December 2019

Telstra Corporation Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Oliver Lawson (primary contact)
General telephone:
61 8 6224 5026
Telstra Corporation Ltd

About us

33 051 775 556


  • Category C1
  • Category C2

Mobile Queries

Service Desk (service requests, general and billing enquiries) for WA Government Mobiles (or legacy Voice and Data services):

See the Telstra Contractor Details document for specific contractor details.

Last updated: 2 December 2019

Vodafone Australia Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Warren Stone (primary contact)
General telephone:
 61 4 10 537 507
Vodafone Australia Pty Ltd
Angela Courtney
Vodafone Australia Pty Ltd

About us

86 056 161 043


  • 8.00am to 6.00pm (CST) Monday to Friday (buying or adding new services)
  • 8:00am to 8:00 pm (EST) Monday to Friday (customer care, billing and aftersales services)


  • Category C1

See the Vodafone Contractor Details document for specific contractor details.

Last updated: 10 February 2020
Page reviewed 26 March 2020