Travel Management Services CUATMS2017

Common use arrangement (CUA) information for agency staff procuring Travel Management Services for domestic and international air travel.

COVID-19, updated requirements

The WA Government has implemented a number of travel restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Western Australia. This includes a ban on work-related international travel and non-essential domestic travel for public sector employees.

Restrictions are in place for:

Most travel is restricted to those providing essential services, but other exemptions may apply. For information about exemptions, visit COVID-19 coronavirus: Advice on travelling to and within Western Australia. If you are providing an essential service, and arriving from outside of Western Australia, you can use the G2G PASS app to apply for approval prior to travel or complete a Request for Approval as an Exempt Traveller form. If interstate travel is essential, you should refer to specific State and Territory websites as border closures, including self-isolation requirements, have been implemented.

The Administrator of Christmas and Cocos Island has placed a ban on passenger arrivals. Only residents and essential staff, which will be defined by the Administrator, are able to travel to the Islands. For more information, visit the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website.

Agencies may also have additional measures in place due to COVID-19. You must refer to internal travel policies and practices before making any arrangements. You can find updates on travel supplier services through Corporate Travel Management’s (CTM) Online Booking Tool SMART and their COVID-19 updates.

Service Description

Air travel reservations (bookings) and associated services provided by the contractor Corporate Travel Management (CTM). Reservations can be made online or via email/phone.

In accordance with State Supply Commission policy, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business

The Buy Local Policy applies in regional locations.

Additional Air Charter

Premier’s Circular 2019/03 requires Public Authorities to use regular public transport air services (where available) when travelling to regional and remote communities throughout WA.

If your travel booking has a mix of regular passenger transport air travel and air charter then you may wish to use CTM to arrange the entire journey on your behalf or seek quotations from air charter companies as per normal procurement practices.

School excursions

If you are arranging an interstate or international school excursion, log in to the Department of Education School Excursion web page.

VIP Service

Chief Executive Officers,  Director Generals, Members of Parliament and the Judiciary receive a VIP Service. Contact CTM's account management team to register for this service.

Applicable general conditions of contract

Goods and services General Conditions of Contract July 2016

Domestic air travel bookings

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Sole contractor Corporate Travel Management (CTM) has access to government discounted airfare arrangements and all other airfares in the marketplace to offer you the Best Fare of the Day.

The Best Fare of the Day is the lowest fare available at the time of booking that meets the traveller’s business needs.

The Government’s Guidelines for Official Air Travel state that the choice of airline must be based on the Best Fare of the Day principle. This requires that you:

  • make the most economical travel arrangements that meet your business requirements and apply the principle of Best Fare of the Day
  • do not have any airline or frequent flyer preferences
  • understand the level of ticket flexibility required based on your travel requirements. The cheapest tickets have less flexibility
  • book as soon as practicable.

Where required, CTM will provide customised services and coordination (e.g. groups and travellers with special needs including patients, prisoners, witnesses, police, legal officers, students and security classified travellers).

International travel bookings

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International travel bookings can be made through this CUA but are not mandatory. If engaged, CTM provide point-to-point itineraries and three quotes that indicate seat availability.

When making international bookings you must advise the travel consultant if the traveller is using a diplomatic/official passport or a foreign passport. Visa requirements can vary depending upon the passport that is being used.

Before each overseas trip, travellers should ensure they have an International SOS Emergency Assistance Card in their possession, which can be obtained from RiskCover. Travellers can also download the International SOS mobile assistance app onto their smartphone. The card and the app can be used to contact International SOS in the event of a travel emergency and also provides access to useful pre-travel information.

Online Booking Tools

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CTM offers two online booking tools, Serko and Lightning. The latter is CTM’s proprietary booking tool.

Both online booking tools provide:

  • access to airline fares
  • the Best Fare of the Day requirements
  • accommodation and car hire options
  • the ability to view ticket credits

The Serko online booking tool provides post-ticketing changes.

You can access them through CTM's SMART Portal which has the ability to:

  • forecast airfare and accommodation pricing
  • store invoices and itineraries
  • access customer specific reports
  • track travellers

CTM will work with you, based on your travel requirements and structure, to determine the online booking tool to best meet your needs.

Use of the online booking tool makes it easier to view the Best Fare of the Day and reduces the transaction fee applicable to any new booking by up to 60% when compared with a booking made over the phone or by email.

To receive training on how to use the online booking tools contact the CTM account management team.

Accommodation bookings

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Accommodation bookings do not have to be made through the CUA, however CTM actively negotiates competitive rates for WA Government travellers. Bookings can be made using the online booking tools.

No additional fees are incurred if the booking accompanies an air booking.

Car hire bookings

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The WA Government receives competitive car rental rates from Avis Australia, Budget Car and Truck Rentals and Thrifty Car Rental through the mandatory CUA for Motor Vehicle Rental MVR2019.

For competitive car rental rates from Avis Australia, Budget Car and Truck Rentals and Thrifty Car Rental, use the mandatory CUA for Motor Vehicle Rental MVR2019.

Corporate Travel Management can access these same government rates to book travellers’ rental vehicles. To book car hire customers first need to establish an account with the car hire supplier.

Car hire bookings can be made using the online booking tools.

No additional fees are incurred if the booking accompanies an air travel booking.

Ticket credits

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Every month, CTM will email nominated key contact/s within your agency with your ‘credit on hold information’ (ticket credits). This information will outline the credits your agency has on hold by expiry date.

Customers with access to the OBT will also be able to view credits on hold for your portfolio.

To access your ticket credits, please contact CTM's account management team.

What are the buying rules?

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Policy requirements

Buyers should be aware of the requirements under State Supply Commission policies and Treasurer’s Instruction 820, and whether or not they are applicable to purchases from this CUA.

Requirement Applicable to purchases made under this CUA?
Buyers must publish details of their purchase, or any variation to any purchase under this CUA, on TendersWA. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must submit a procurement plan, an evaluation report, a contract management plan or any variation to the State Tender Review Committee. No, not required for purchases made under this CUA.
Buyers must involve the Department of Finance. No, buyers do not need to involve the Department of Finance when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of the Department of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this (mandatory) CUA.

Yes, at all values, if the location is in the Perth metropolitan region.

Please note that public authorities are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance, regardless of value, when seeking an exemption from the minimum requirements of the Open and Effective Competition Policy and the use of mandatory Common Use Arrangements for a purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business.

Exemption from using this CUA

Exemption requests should be directed to either the Director Common Use Arrangements or the contract manager in the first instance. Requests for exemption must be in writing (by email) and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.

For guidelines on what to include in an exemption request, please refer to the State Supply Commission Open and Effective Competition Policy.

Making the most of this contract

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Travel insurance

RiskCover provides travel cover for government agencies that are participating members of the RiskCover Fund. Travel cover is provided for any air travel or any other form of travel comprising an overnight stay away from the personnel’s usual place of residence. The travel cover provided by RiskCover is only for authorised official business travel.

The cover provided includes coverage for leisure activity undertaken during the authorised business travel, provided these activities do not exceed two days during any period of leave taken during the travel. If this period extends beyond the two days then the personnel will have to arrange their own personal travel cover for the whole period they have taken for leave (including the two-day period allowed) but only up to the date they recommence the authorised business travel.

Cover is provided for any director, commissioner, board or committee member, executive officer, employee of the agency or any other person(s) designated by the public authority and approved by RiskCover prior to the commencement date of the authorised business travel.

Therefore, it should not be necessary for a government agency to purchase separate or additional travel insurance from CTM or another provider for authorised official business travel.

Please contact RiskCover to ensure the cover arrangements in place for the agency is suitable. For further information view the provisions and conditions of RiskCover’s travel cover.

Understanding airfares

There are many different airfares and they are constantly changing. To save money on air travel, it is important to appreciate how airlines price their tickets.

Airlines offer a range of fares for travellers – these fares are grouped into ‘classes’. The cheaper fares are in classes that have more restrictive conditions whilst the more expensive fares are in classes that are generally less restrictive.

Airlines allocate a proportion of seats on each flight to each fare class. The proportions change depending upon the day and time of flight departure. The numbers of cheap seats are always limited by the airline and get sold first to early-bird buyers.

Every travel agent has access to the full seat inventory offered by an airline – airlines do not offer more discounted seats to one travel agent than another. This means that domestic airfare prices do not change from one travel agent to another.

In addition, airlines offer their seat inventory, generally for the same price, via their websites.

Finding the cheapest fare amongst this complexity can be difficult. The travel consultants at CTM are trained to ascertain your travel needs and your capacity to accept airfare conditions to offer you the Best Fare of the Day.

Government airfare discounts

We have negotiated discounted airfares for Government directly with the following airlines:

  • Domestic discounts
    • Virgin Australia
    • Qantas
    • Airnorth
  • International Discounts
    • Delta
    • Qantas
    • Virgin Australia
    • Singapore Airlines

Airlines only provide these discounts through CTM.

These discounts are not available through other travel agents or by booking directly with the airlines.

Travel to the Indian Ocean Territories (Christmas and Cocos Islands)

Section 17 of the Guidelines for Official Air Travel contains information about making travel arrangements to the Indian Ocean Territories.

What will it cost?

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Travel agents and airlines charge ‘transaction fees’ to cover their cost of making a booking.

CTM charge a transaction fee based on the type of booking made – online, email or phone. The transaction fee is the only source of income received by CTM for air travel booked through this CUA. Any commissions or overrides imbedded in the normal price of an air ticket are removed and returned to you as a point-of-sale discount.

The transaction fee is only charged once (when the ticket is issued). Subsequent changes to the booking do not incur further transaction fees although name changes on an air ticket may incur an additional transaction fee if the ticket requires cancellation and re-issuing.
Importantly, the price of an air ticket is independent of the transaction fee – CTM will earn the same income for a $3,000 airfare as it would a $199 airfare.

You will find at least two separate charges on your invoice every time air travel is purchased:

  • the airfare(s) charged by the airline(s)
  • the transaction fee charged by CTM.

Refer to the Application of the transaction fee section below.

CTM SMART Technology included in online booking portal:

  • SMART Portal
  • SMART Fare-Forecaster
  • SMART Bed-Forecaster
  • SMART Hotel Reviews
  • SMART Ride Share
  • SMART Tickets on Hold
  • SMART Traveller Tracker
  • SMART Alerts
  • SMART Threshold
  • CTM Mobile


The CTM transaction fees below apply from 9 August 2018:

Online bookings using Serko tool

Booking type  Australian domestic travel
(inc. GST)
Trans-Tasman, Cocos and Christmas islands travel (exc. GST) International Travel (exc. GST)
Air travel booking $7.23  $6.57  $35.39
Ground content* booking with air travel No extra charge No extra charge No extra charge
Ground content* booking without air travel  $7.23 $6.57 $6.57

Online bookings using Lightning tool

Booking type  Australian domestic travel (inc. GST)  Trans-Tasman, Cocos and Christmas islands travel (exc. GST) International Travel (exc. GST)
Air travel booking $5.00 $4.55 $30.33
Ground content* booking with air travel No extra charge No extra charge No extra charge
Ground content* booking without air travel $5.00 $4.55 $4.55

Consultant assisted bookings (phone/email)

Booking type Australian domestic travel (inc. GST) Trans-Tasman, Cocos and Christmas islands travel (exc. GST) International Travel (exc. GST)
Air travel booking – consultant assisted $18.91 $17.19 $70.77
Ground content* booking with air travel No extra charge No extra charge No extra charge
Ground content* booking without air travel $16.68 $15.17 $15.17
Group travel – air travel only $39.48 $62.18 $101.10
Group travel – air travel and accommodation only $46.15 $70.77 $113.23
Group travel – air travel, accommodation and airport transfers only $50.04 $75.83 $111.21

* Ground content includes accommodation, car rental, coach, rail, ferry, etc.

Additional services

Service Fee (inc GST)
24/7 After hours emergency assistance (per call issue, transaction fee is applied separately) $22.24
Account facility finance fee (For Customers that choose an invoice account as their form of payment. Excludes credit/purchasing card and NTA Customers)  waived
Hotel chargebacks $10.11
Automated ticket credit expiry reminders Included
Automated non-compliance messaging Included
Aircraft charters* On application
Domestic refunds $11.12
International refunds $20.22

*An aircraft charter would generally only be booked through this CUA when it connects to a Regular Passenger Transport service (airfare) that has been booked through this CUA.

Payment options

Air travel booked through CTM can be paid for by:

  • Purchasing Card – currently the NAB Visa, provided through CUA PC2019
  • Travel Account (refer below), also provided via NAB through CUA PC2019
  • CTM’s Account Facility – the account is paid by direct debit 14 days after the end of each 14-day period

Accommodation and car hire bookings arranged through CTM are paid directly by the customer to the supplier when the services have been received. CTM can assist customers make arrangements to pay for accommodation for an additional fee of $10.11 (inc GST) per booking. Customer’s payment needs can be discussed with the CTM account management team.

Payment by travel account

The National Australia Bank and ANZ offer a Travel Account facility under the Purchasing Card and Expense Management System CUA (CUA PC2019) as a payment solution for air travel purchased through CTM.

With these Travel Accounts, travel data is available on-line within 48 hours of a purchase being made and can be accessed at any time so that billings, expenses and other related information can be easily tracked and reconciled at any time.

The Travel Accounts’ other advantages include:

  • Enhanced reporting – the electronic billing statement provides comprehensive information including itinerary details, passenger name, ticket number, cost centre and general ledger cost centre allocation
  • Simple on-line reconciliation of airline charges and transaction fees using NAB and ANZ Expense Management Systems
  • Easy payment by direct debit.

Contact Greg Gates at NAB on 0427 490 821 for information on the NTA.

Application of transaction fee

Air travel bookings - offline or consultant assisted

Any consultant assisted booking (phone or email) forming a single journey for a traveller on any number of sectors on any number of airlines (GDS or non-GDS or combination thereof) and any combination of fare classes (including Government/Private Fares). 

For example, a single journey containing:

  • QF PER-BME on Government/Private Fare;
  • Air North BME-KNX-BME; and
  • VA KTA-PER on Government/Private Fare.

In this situation, CTM will charge one Consultant Assisted Transaction Fee when tickets are issued. Variations may incur extra fees. See the table below.

Variation Extra CTM Fees Applicable
Any number of Changes including time/day, airline, routing, fare class, name of ticket (if permitted). None.
Add another Traveller Additional Transaction Fee charged
Cancel entire booking. Transaction Fee retained by CTM

No extra CTM fees apply to additional ground content (including car, accommodation, coach, rail booking) to new or existing airline booking.

Air travel bookings - online or OBT

Any online booking for a traveller on any number of sectors on any airline (GDS or non-GDS or combination there of) and any combination of fare classes (including Government/Private Fares) will incur a CTM transaction fee of one OBT Transaction Fee when tickets issued.

If any number of changes including: time, day, airline, routing, fare class, name on ticket (if permitted) then no extra CTM fees are charged. Note that the OBT Transaction Fee will not be upgraded to a Consultant Assisted Transaction Fee.

No extra CTM fees apply to additional ground content (including car, accommodation, coach, rail booking) to new or existing airline booking.

Ground content (accommodation, car rental, coach, rail, ferry) bookings without air travel

One fee applies when the customer commits to accepting the ground content booking (eg. accommodation, car rental, rail, ferry or any combination of these).

No extra fees will be charged for any number of changes including time, day, rental or hotel company, location, car-type, name on booking, add other rentals in other towns or cities. Addition of any other ground content will not incur extra fees.

If you wish to cancel entire booking or add an air component, charges may added. See the fee tables in the section above for details or contact CTM.

How do I buy?

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Public Authorities should buy their air travel in accordance with the Guidelines for Official Air Travel outlined in the Premier’s Circular 2014/02.


New CUA user

If you are looking to book travel for yourself or other personnel, please check if you have a centralised travel arranger within your agency who can book the travel for you.

For security purposes, if you are a new travel arranger for your agency, you will need to be authorised to make bookings on behalf of agency.

Profiles can be established by contacting Robyn McCreary at CTM or nominated key travel representative within your agency.


CTM’s Online Booking Tool is a cost effective and efficient method to book your travel. It shows all airfares on all airlines available via the Global Distribution System on a single screen in accordance with the Best Fare of the Day requirements and provides an opportunity to view indicative trip pricing for quoting purposes.

It is not recommended that you attempt online bookings without undertaking training. Free training can organised by contacting Robyn McCreary at CTM.


The address for email booking requests is

Emailing CTM with your non-urgent booking requests can simplify the booking process for you and CTM. If booking more than a fortnight in advance, then consider emailing your booking request to the team of travel consultants. Emailing bookings relieves the pressure on phone systems freeing travel consultants time for more urgent bookings and requests.

To make a booking request via email you will need to have been identified as travel arranger or traveller within your agency who is able to make your own travel arrangements.


The phone number for phone bookings is 1800 572 150.

CTM’s WA Government call centre is staffed by fully trained travel consultants. The team of consultants is accessible via a call centre and will include dedicated VIP and international travel services.

To make a booking over the phone you will need to have been identified as travel arranger or traveller within your agency who is able to make your own travel arrangements. 

Making a booking

To make a phone or email booking follow the steps in the table below.

  1. Contact CTM
    • Confirm your name, agency and cost centre code.
    • Confirm traveller’s name, origin/destination of travel, and time/date of travel.
  2. Determine the best travel option. The CTM travel consultant will offer you the Best Fare of the Day. Before accepting this fare consider:
    • Your requirements for ticket changes prior to the flight departure;
    • Your risks of cancellation and ability to manage ticket credits;
    • Your agency’s own travel policy and guidelines; and
    • Your ability to make an instant purchase, which requires that all internal approvals have been received.
      Note: If you do not have the necessary internal approvals to buy a ticket, you will be unlikely to meet the purchase requirements of the cheaper tickets (instant purchase). Therefore, note the cost of a fully flexible ticket and seek approval for travel on the cost of that ticket. When the internal approval is received, contact CTM and seek the Best Fare of the Day again (do not buy the expensive fully flexible ticket unless necessary).
  3. Determine the ground content
    • Advise the CTM consultant of any accommodation and car hire requirements and book these with the air travel reservation.
  4. Confirm payment option with CTM
  5. Establish contacts
    • Confirm whom the itinerary is to be sent to if not already set up (email).
  6. Review booking
    • Check the itinerary thoroughly. It is the customer’s responsibility to identify any inaccuracies of the itinerary.

After I buy

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Active contract management pays off.


CTM provides access to monthly and quarterly reports that outline your travel spend, booking trends, number of changes made, credits on hold, OBT usage and missed savings opportunities.

Reports can be sent through to an agency’s nominated representatives. To access reports please contact the CTM account management team.

Receive updates about this CUA

Price changes, CUA variations and other communications from the Department of Finance are distributed as circulars. To receive these and other communication distributed by the Department of Finance please contact the contract manager.

Problems with CTM's services

If you are having problems with CTM's services, contact CTM’s Client Value Manager, Dianne van der Schaaf on 0434 601 935. Clearly outline the issue, ask CTM to explain and together resolve the matter.

If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, discuss it with the Contract Manager.


Corporate Travel Management (CTM)

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Contact details

Contact name:
Account Management Team
Direct telephone:
61 8 6467 2153 - Dianne van der Schaaf (Client Value Manager) Working Days: Monday-Wednesday
61 4 34 604 935 - Dianne van der Schaaf (Client Value Manager) Working Days: Monday-Wednesday
61 8 6467 2103 - Robyn McCreary (Client Value Manager) Working Days: Wednesday-Friday
61 4 30 365 025 - Robyn McCreary (Client Value Manager) Working Days: Wednesday-Friday
61 4 66 428 241 - Tom Kerr (Head of Operations)
61 8 6467 2105 - Mitzie Gronbeck (Team Operations Manager)
General telephone:
61 8 6467 2153
Corporate Travel Management (CTM)

About us

005 000 895
52 005 000 895

Office Hours: 8:00am - 6:00pm


Last updated: 5 May 2020
Page reviewed 25 May 2020