
Responses from the Department of Treasury including Commonwealth Grants Commission since 2013.

Western Australian Government submissions

Western Australia's Risk Management Policies and Insurance Strategies for Essential Public Assets
Revised Analysis of the Proposed Resource Rent Tax Regime
Western Australian Government Submission to the Review of Australia's Future Tax System
Western Australian Government Submission to the Commonwealth Government on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Western Australian Government Submission to the Productivity Commission on Ageing
Western Australian Government Submission to the Productivity Commission on Housing Affordability

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation

Western Australia's Third Submission to the Productivity Commission into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation
Western Australia's Second Submission to the Productivity Commission into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation
Western Australia's Submission to the Productivity Commission into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2020 review

CGC's 2020 Review - January 2017 - letter to the Secretary of the CGC on the 2020 Methodology Review work program
CGC's 2020 Review - July 2017 - submission on the Principle of HFE and its Implementation
CGC's 2020 Review - February 2018 - research Paper on Non-State Services in the Health Category (not listed on the CGC's website)
CGC's 2020 Review - August 2017 - comments on the approach CGC staff intend to use to estimate administrative scale costs
CGC's 2020 Review - October 2018 - submission on the CGC's Draft Assessment papers
CGC's 2020 Review - October 2018 - comments on the review of substitutability levels for the health category
CGC's 2020 Review - December 2018 - submission responding to the consultancy report on assessing urban transport costs
CGC's 2020 Review - December 2018 - Rural Road Length
CGC's 2020 Review - January 2019 - submission on Improving the Policy Neutrality of the Mining Revenue assessment (not listed on the CGC's website)
CGC's 2020 Review - March 2019 - supplementary submission on the Draft Assessment Papers
CGC's 2020 Review - September 2019 - Draft Report
CGC's 2020 Review - November 2019 - Submission on the CGC's New Issues
CGC's 2020 Review - December 2019 - Significant Changes Since the Draft Report Paper

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2019 update

CGC's 2019 Update - November 2018 - submission responding to discussion paper on new issues in the 2019 Update

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2018 update

CGC's 2018 Update - October 2017 - response to discussion paper on new issues in the 2018 Update

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2017 update

CGC's 2017 Update - September 2016 - response to discussion paper on new issues in the 2017 Update
CGC's 2017 Update - November 2016 - response to the paper on the use of Independent Hospital Pricing Authority data
CGC's 2017 Update - November 2016 - response to the discussion paper on the Wage Costs assessment
CGC's 2017 Update - March 2017 - letter to the CGC raising concerns about errors in relativities

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2016 update

CGC's 2016 Update - September 2015 - response to discussion paper on new issues in the 2016 Update
CGC's 2016 Update - September 2015 - submission on the Wage Costs Assessment
CGC's 2016 Update - October 2015 - response to the treatment of the Remote Indigenous Housing NP
CGC's 2016 Update - December 2015 - submission on the Wage Costs assessment

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2015 review

The CGC Conducts its methodology reviews through a series of staff and Commission papers, on which it seeks formal responses. WA Treasury made eight such formal submissions to the CGC on the 2015 Review from 2013 to the release of the final report in February 2015. They were:

CGC's 2015 Review - July 2013 - submission on the draft review terms of reference
CGC's 2015 Review - April 2014 - response to April 2014 telepresence
CGC's 2015 Review - September 2014 - response to draft CGC report
CGC's 2015 Review - October 2014 - response to supplementary issues discussion paper
CGC's 2015 Review - November 2014 - letter on issues arising from 29 October telepresence
CGC's 2015 Review - December 2014 - response to significant changes by CGC since the draft report
CGC's 2015 Review - December 2014 - response to significant changes by CGC since the draft report - attachment
CGC's 2015 Review - January 2015 - response to contemporaneity options

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2015 responses

Following proposed changes to methodologies in the Health and Wage Costs assessments, WA Treasury made seven supplementary technical responses.

Health Methodology - WA response Supplementary -redacted

Commonwealth Grants Commission's 2014 update

CGC's 2014 Update - June 2013 - submission on the proposed remoteness classification
CGC's 2014 Update - July 2013 - further submission on the proposed remoteness classification
CGC's 2014 Update - September 2013 - submission on treatment of iron ore fines
CGC's 2014 Update - September 2013 - submission on new issues discussion paper
CGC's 2014 Update - November 2013 - response to treatment of Commonwealth payment/debt forgiveness
CGC's 2014 Update - January 2014 - response to treatment of the Water for the Future National Partnership payment
CGC's 2014 Update - February 2014 - response to proposed backcasting of national education funding
Page reviewed 21 February 2020