Taskforce Publications

The Energy Transformation Taskforce has published several information papers and newsletters on the delivery of the Energy Transformation Strategy.


Select a newsletter below:

Program Implementation Plan

Delivering the Future Power System

Following consultation, the Energy Transformation Taskforce will make decisions on elements of market and regulatory design. These decisions will form the basis for draft market rules and regulations.

Taskforce decisions, information papers and consultation drafts of rules and regulations will be published here as they are completed.

Issue Information Paper/
Taskforce Decision
Draft Rules/
Foundational Market Parameters a  
Power System Security and Reliability Regulatory Framework a  
Improving the Technical Rules Change Management Process a a
Scheduling and Dispatch (Energy) a  
Power System Constraints Equations Governance Framework a a
Essential System Services Technical Framework a  
Essential System Services Acquisition Framework - Frequency Control a  
Foundation Settings for Market Settlement a  
Scheduling and Dispatch (Essential System Services) a  
Essential System Services Acquisition Framework - Locational Services    
Outage Management a  
Market Power Mitigation    
Generator Performance Standards a  
Market Information    
Market Settlement–Implementation of five-minute settlement, uplift payments and Essential System Services settlement a  
Registration and Participation Framework a  

The above documents can be downloaded below:

Information Paper Power System Security and Reliability Regulatory Regulatory Framework
Information Paper Energy Scheduling and Dispatch Paper
Information paper Governance Framework for Constraint Equations
GHD Advisory Report Essential System Services Technical Framework Review
Information paper: Frequency Control Essential System Services
Information paper Frequency Control Technical Arrangements
Information Paper Foundation Settings for Market Settlement
Information Paper: Revising Frequency Operating Standards in the SWIS
Information Paper - Essential System Services - Scheduling and Dispatch
Information Paper - Market Settlement - Implementation of Five-Minute Settlement, Uplift Payments and Essential System Services Settlement
Information Paper - Technical Rules Change Management Process
Information Paper - Revising the Operating States and Contingency Events Frameworks in the SWIS
Information Paper - Registration and Participation Framework in the Wholesale Electricity Market
Information Paper: Generator Performance Standards - Regulatory Framework, Monitoring and Rectification
Information Paper: Supplementary ESS Procurement Mechanism.pdf
Information Paper: Monitoring and Compliance Framework in the Wholesale Electricity Market

Whole of System Planning

The Energy Transformation Taskforce has published two Information Papers on the inaugural Whole of System Plan. These papers reflect extensive engagement and testing with the energy sector on the modelling scenarios and the various inputs and assumptions. 

Information Paper Whole of System Plan Modelling Methodology and Assumptions
Appendix A - Whole of System Plan Data and Assumptions Workbook
Information Paper Whole of System Plan Modelling Scenarios

Improving Access to the Western Power Network

Information papers and material relevant to this work stream are available for downloading below.

Information Paper - Allocation of Capacity Credits in a constrained network - Design Proposal
Information Paper - Assigning Capacity Credits in a Constrained Network
Information Paper - Network Access Quantity Framework Transitional Arrangements

Distributed Energy Resources

Information papers and material relevant to this work stream are available for downloading below.

Information Paper: DER Roadmap Implementation Rule Change
Page reviewed 22 May 2020