Delivering community services in partnership policy - Premier's Circular 2019/02

These documents are used to communicate matters of whole of Government policy and issues of strategic importance to the State.

Number: 2019/02
Date of Issue: 26/03/2019
Review Date: 30/06/2021



The aim of the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy (2018 revision) (DCSP Policy) is to improve outcomes for all Western Australians through a genuine partnership between public authorities,[1] and the not-for-profit community services sector and service users in the planning, purchase and delivery of sustainable Community Services[2] in Western Australia.

The DCSP Policy will facilitate this by:

  • breaking down the barriers between public authorities and the no-for-profit community services sector by promoting productive relationships based on Partnership Principles and Behaviours
  • providing direction in the approach to the procurement of Community Services. This includes the requirement for sound planning, genuine stakeholder engagement, co-design and relationship-based service agreement management 
  • promoting flexibility, innovation and community responsiveness to better meet community, cultural and individual needs
  • streamlining procurement processes, reducing 'red-tape', complexities and inconsistencies, and standardising terminology to clarify the dialogue between all parties; and 
  • ensuring public authorities contract with the not-for-profit community services sector in a manner that supports sustainable and effective service delivery recognising the importance of ongoing organisational viability. 

It is mandatory for all public authorities to apply the DCSP Policy. The DCSP Policy must be read in conjunction with State Supply Commission policies. The updated DCSP Policy is effective from 1 October 2018. 


As part of the Supporting Communities commitments the Department of Finance, Government Procurement, conducted an extensive stakeholder engagement and consultation process to review and update the DCSP Policy (implemented in 2011).

Feedback from both the public and not-for-profit community services sectors has been incorporated into the revised DCSP Policy, emphasising the importance of planning for the procurement of Community Services, undertaking stakeholder engagement and co-designing Community Services to improve outcomes for service users in Western Australia. 

The Department of Finance, Government Procurement, provides ongoing support and oversight of the DCSP Policy. 
For further information, please refer to the DCSP Policy.

Mark McGowan MLA

Other relevant Circulars: NA
Circular/s replaced by this Circular: 2011/01

[1] Public authority means an agency as defined in the Financial Management Act 2006, section 3, other than a university.
[2] Community Services means services as defined in the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy 2018.


Page reviewed 19 September 2019