Duties Fact Sheet - First Home Owner Rate

Fact sheet
First home buyers may be eligible for the first home owner duty concession.

This fact sheet provides information about

  • eligibility for the first home owner rate of duty
  • threshold values of home or vacant land
  • how to apply for the first home owner rate of duty
  • how to apply for a reassessment if duty has been paid
  • time limits to apply for a reassessment
  • shared equity arrangements
  • taxpayer obligations

A person who

  • qualifies for a first home owner grant or 
  • would have otherwise qualified for a grant if consideration had been paid, or for the purchase of an established home or
  • is an Indian Ocean Territory resident acquiring their first home

may be entitled to the first home owner rate of duty on the transfer, or agreement to transfer (i.e. the contract for sale), in respect of the acquisition of the home or vacant land.

A person who is not entitled to this concessional rate because the value of the home or vacant land exceeds the specified thresholds may be eligible for the residential rate of transfer duty. See the Transfer of Residential Land fact sheet.


Page reviewed 9 March 2020