Free Trade Agreement Guidelines

The Free Trade Agreement Guidelines provide government agencies with information on conducting government procurement in accordance with the Free Trade Agreements.

The Western Australian Government is bound by a number of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs):

  • The Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) – entered into force on 1 December 2017
  • The Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) – entered into force on 15 January 2015
  • The Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) – entered into force on 12 December 2014
  • The Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement (ACIFTA) – entered into force on 6 March 2009
  • The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) - entered into force on 1 January 2005

Nominated Western Australian Government agencies are required to comply with the government procurement obligations in these FTAs. The FTA’s have a core purpose of non-discrimination in the conduct of government procurement for all goods and services of $680,000 or more and for all construction services of $9,584,000 or more. The non-discrimination provisions require the agencies nominated by the Western Australian Government to afford the suppliers, goods and services of the nation with whom we have entered a FTA the same treatment that applies to domestic suppliers, goods and services.

The Government Procurement chapter of each FTA contains a schedule which stipulates which public authorities are subject to the agreements. The full text of the agreements are available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website. A public authority that is stipulated in a schedule but has since undergone machinery of government changes is still subject to the agreement.

The Free Trade Agreement Guidelines should help you to procure in line with Western Australia's obligations under the FTAs. 


Page reviewed 20 January 2020