Full Government Response to the Western Australian Methamphetamine Taskforce Report

Corporate report
The full Government response to the Methamphetamine Action Plan Taskforce Final Report - a whole-of-government approach to addressing methamphetamine related harm.

The WA Government has committed to implement a range of initiatives across supply, demand and harm reduction in order to minimise the harm to individuals, families and the community caused by methamphetamine use.

These initiatives will see the expansion of treatment for priority groups in the regions (including more beds), the development of safe places and increased support for individuals and families in crisis, an investment in the alcohol and other drug workforce to ensure the maintenance of high quality support services, and a continued focus on education, prevention and harm reduction. 

The Response has been developed in line with the National Drug Strategy 2017-2026, the Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025 and the Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022.

The work of the Methamphetamine Action Plan Senior Officer’s Working Group has ensured that the Response is founded on an ongoing commitment across sectors to develop an integrated approach to preventing methamphetamine problems from occurring in the first place, intervening early before problems become entrenched, and providing treatment and support services for those who need it.

Read the document below for the full response.


Full Government Response to the Western Australian Methamphetamine Taskforce Report
Page reviewed 19 September 2019