Gateway review lessons learned report

Corporate report
The lessons learned report encompasses an analysis of 48 Gateway reviews over a three year period from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2018.

The report analyses 525 individual recommendations from these Gateway Reviews. This involved 33 projects for 18 agencies across three project categories, namely: Infrastructure, ICT and Services.

Whilst there are many themes noted in the report, we highlight that:

  • reviewers identified core project management disciplines, particularly project management, risk management and governance as the more prevalent and recurring concerns - often where projects were not applying a formal or recognisable good practice project management standard
  • ICT and Services projects recorded a higher proportion of Red recommendations than Infrastructure projects. This indicates that ICT and Services projects are not being resourced with the requisite levels of capability commensurate with their complexity, nor to the same extent as Infrastructure projects

We are sharing lessons learned on Government projects as part of an overall ongoing commitment to improve project management in Western Australia. You will benefit from considering the report as it provides details of the systematic and recurring findings from Gateway Reviews and can be used to improve project specific practices.


Page reviewed 11 March 2020