Government office accommodation - Premier's Circular 2018/01

These documents are used to communicate matters of whole of Government policy and issues of strategic importance to the State.


​Number: 2018/01
Date of Issue: 18/05/2018
Review Date: 30/06/2021


The aim of the Government Office Accommodation Policy (the policy) is to establish a framework to achieve value-for-money office accommodation that supports agencies' service delivery requirements within a flexible portfolio, operating at or near capacity, with the right size, cost and location.  

The effective management of office accommodation can drive efficiencies, promote collaboration and contribute to the achievement of government priorities and objectives.

The policy seeks to achieve better outcomes by prescribing a set of principles to govern the planning, procurement, fit-out and management of office accommodation.  It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the Department of Finance and all government agencies, including that:

  • the Department of Finance, on behalf of the Minister for Works, will procure and manage government office accommodation for all general government agencies[1] in accordance with the policy, and associated standards and guidelines
  • agencies are required to obtain ministerial approval for all fit-out or refurbishment works valued over $100,000
  • all office accommodation requests and funding submissions are to be developed in consultation with the Departments of Finance and Treasury and in accordance with the strategic asset management framework.

Agencies are required to provide the Department of Finance with their 10-year strategic office accommodation plans on an annual basis, including information pertaining to office buildings owned or leased by the agencies, even where only a portion of the office building relates to office accommodation. This includes but is not limited to the size, value, cost, condition and utilisation of these assets.

It is mandatory for all general government agencies[1] to procure, fit-out, refurbish and manage office accommodation in accordance with the policy.

Government has set two workspace benchmarks to ensure these results are achieved:

  • a workspace density of no more than 13 square metres per workpoint for all government office accommodation;  and
  • no more than one workpoint per person for all government office accommodation.

Agencies that outperform these benchmarks may be eligible for an incentive, the extent of which is to be determined in consultation with the Departments of Finance and Treasury.

The workspace benchmarks will be applied to the procurement of new premises and to all new fit-out and major refurbishment requests.

Where an agency's accountable authority believes exceptional circumstances exist that will impact on their ability to meet the requirements of the policy or associated standards, sufficient justification must be documented and submitted to the Department of Finance for consideration.


Office accommodation is one of the largest operating expenses incurred by government agencies.  In July 2017, the Government approved a five-year Government Office Accommodation Reform Program to support the Government's Debt Reduction Strategy.

The Reform Program aims to minimise office accommodation costs and return the majority of savings to the consolidated account. Office accommodation costs will be reduced through a range of initiatives largely focussing on space reduction through more efficient utilisation and flexible fit‑out designs, and lease and outgoings cost reduction.

The Reform Program has the potential to achieve significant ongoing savings for government, but only if the right foundations are in place. This includes having access to accurate and reliable information on the portfolio, benchmarking property performance and ensuring government assets are being efficiently utilised. 

Decision-making in relation to government office accommodation needs to achieve a balance between agency service delivery requirements and the responsible use of public funds.  The policy will support the Department of Finance and agencies in working together to achieve this balance.  

This policy and supporting documents are available electronically on the Department of Finance's website  Office accommodation enquiries can be sent to:


Mark McGowan MLA


[1] As listed in State Budget Paper No. 3 - Economic and Fiscal Outlook, Composition of Sectors, General Government.


Page reviewed 19 September 2019