Government response to Learnings from the message stick

Corporate report
The report of the inquiry into Aboriginal youth suicide in remote areas.

Despite more than 40 reviews and inquiries into the causes of Aboriginal youth suicide in Western Australia, the underlying issues have not yet been comprehensively addressed. The former Education and Health Standing Committee’s report, Learnings from the message stick: The report of the Inquiry into Aboriginal youth suicide in remote areas (the Message Stick Inquiry) was released in November 2016.

In the 18 months since, there has been a change in administration and numerous transformations in the machinery of government in Western Australia. As part of the Government’s response to Message Stick, numerous programs, initiatives and strategies have been introduced or maintained that reflect the Inquiry’s recommendations.

This document affirms the Government’s commitment and determination to address the issue of Aboriginal youth suicide as comprehensively as possible. Read the full report below.



Government response to Learnings from the message stick
Page reviewed 13 January 2020