Land Tax Fact Sheet - Indian Ocean Territories

Fact sheet
Land tax and the Indian Ocean Territories - Christmas Island and Cocos Keeling Island.

Land tax is an annual tax which is assessed on the basis of the ownership and usage of land as at 30 June before the assessment year (the following financial year).

It is calculated on the aggregated taxable value of all land held in the same ownership that is not exempt land. For example, the owner of taxable land at 30 June 2019 is liable for land tax on that land in respect of the 2019-2020 assessment year.

Taxable land

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Examples of the type of land that are generally liable for land tax include vacant land, shops, offices, factories, rental properties, hobby farms, a ‘secondary’ residence such as a holiday home, and a private residence owned by a company or held by a trustee upon trust for the beneficial owner (excludes the primary residence of a disabled beneficiary).

Exempt land

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Examples of land that may be eligible for a full or partial exemption from land tax, or a land tax concession, because the ownership or usage of the land satisfies specific eligibility requirements, may include where the land is

  • residential, and the owner uses the land as their primary (sole or principal) residence
  • residential, and the owner is moving from one residence to another residence (limited to 1 year)
  • residential, and the owner’s new residence is under construction or is being refurbished, and no other property owned receives residential exemption (limited to 2 years)
  • residential, and a new residence is under construction or is being refurbished and another property owned is receiving residential exemption (limited to 2 years)
  • residential, and is owned by a relative of, or held upon trust for, a disabled beneficiary who uses the land as their primary residence or
  • held by the executor of a deceased estate and was previously used as the primary residence of the deceased, or is used by a beneficiary under a will.

See application forms and fact sheets.

An owner who receives a land tax assessment which they believe is incorrect or is for land which they consider may be eligible for an exemption or concession, should contact us to discuss, or lodge an application for exemption.

Meaning of Owner

Owner in relation to any land within the Indian Ocean Territories includes

  • every person entitled to the land for any estate of freehold in possession (i.e. private title of ownership of land)
  • every person entitled to the land under any lease or licence from the Crown (e.g. a house or land rented from the Council or Administration). However, it should be noted that if the house is used as the owner’s primary residence it would be exempt from land tax
  • every person entitled to use the land for a business, commercial, professional or trade purpose under an agreement or arrangement with the Crown or instrumentality of the Crown, (e.g. renting a shop or an office from the Government or Administration), a local government or any public statutory authority and
  • a purchaser under a contract of sale as soon as they obtain possession of the land.

If the land is taxable, the amount of land tax payable is calculated on the basis of the aggregated taxable value of all land held in the same ownership as at 30 June 2019. The Office of State Revenue issues land tax assessments automatically.

Land tax rates for 2019-20

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The land tax rate scale is reviewed annually as part of the Government’s budgetary process.

2019-20 assessment year

Aggregated taxable value of land Rate of land tax
Exceeding Not exceeding
$0 $300,000 Nil
$300,001 $420,000 Flat rate of $300
$420,000 $1,000,000 $300 + 0.25 cent for each $1 in excess of $420,000
$1,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,750 + 0.90 cent for each $1 in excess of $1,000,000
$1,800,000 $5,000,000 $8,950 + 1.80 cents for each $1 in excess of $1,800,000
$5,000,000 $11,000,000 $66,550 + 2.00 cents for each $1 in excess of $5,000,000
$11,000,000   $186,550 + 2.67 cents for each $1 in excess of $11,000,000



Page reviewed 9 March 2020