Premier and Cabinet Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-2021

Corporate report
Outlines how the Department is working to give people with disability equal access to its facilities and services.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is available upon request in alternative formats such as large print, electronic format (disk or emailed), audio or Braille.

It outlines seven initiatives to give people with disability the same opportunities as other people to:

  • access Department events and services
  • access Department buildings and facilities
  • access information from the Department
  • receive the same level and quality of service from Department staff
  • make complaints to the Department
  • participate in public consultations run by the Department
  • gain and maintain employment with the Department.

The plan was developed with input from our staff and some individuals in the community.

A new plan is developed at least every five years, in accordance with the Western Australia Disability Services Act 1993. The plan is reviewed annually and can be amended to reflect progress and/or address new access and inclusion issues that arise over time.

Any amendments to the plan are lodged with the Disability Services Commission.

For more information, see the document below.


Premier and Cabinet Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-2021
Premier and Cabinet Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-2021
Page reviewed 19 September 2019