Public Sector Commission Governance Review of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Independent report
This report examines the governance arrangements of overseas offices in London, Dubai and Tokyo between 2008 and 2017.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet is committed to ongoing improvement and good governance. As part of this commitment, the Director General requested the Public Sector Commission undertake the review after the Corruption and Crime Commission uncovered serious misconduct concerning the Commissioner for Japan.

The report examines the governance arrangements of three overseas offices from 2008 to 2017. The Department accepts the report's findings and has made significant changes to improve processes. While the Department is no longer responsible for overseas offices due to Machinery of Government changes, we will continue to apply the lessons learnt in the report across all areas of the Department. 





Public Sector Commission Governance Review of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Page reviewed 26 November 2019