Restrictions on travel to biosecurity areas – frequently asked questions

Fact sheet
Frequently asked questions about travel to the Kimberley region and biosecurity zones, exemptions for essential service workers and self-isolation rules.

Last updated: 26 May 2020 at 10.22am

On this page you will find FAQs on:

Travel between some regions and entry into Western Australia from interstate and overseas is restricted.

Travel to biosecurity zones within Western Australia is subject to a higher level of restrictions, this includes the entire Kimberley region, parts of the East Pilbara and the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku.

Travel to remote Aboriginal communities is also subject to additional restrictions. Some communities have closed their access roads, you should contact the community before planning to travel there.

The WA Police Commissioner and WA Government are working with the Federal Government to remove restrictions on access to biosecurity zones from 5 June including the Kimberley region, parts of Shire of East Pilbara and the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku.

Restrictions on entering 274 remote Aboriginal communities will remain in place, while consultation continues with the communities to ensure they’re provided with ongoing support after 5 June.

Travel to restricted biosecurity areas

Can I travel to the Kimberley, East Pilbara or Ngaanyatjarraku designated biosecurity areas?

In most cases, no, unless absolutely necessary. The restrictions are designed to protect some of our most vulnerable communities. Generally, a person can only enter a designated area:

  • for the purpose of an essential activity that is either urgently needed or covered by an approved risk management plan, or
  • after self-isolating for 14 days outside the designated area. Travellers who enter after self-isolation must be travelling for one of the purposes permitted in Western Australia’s regional travel restrictions or restrictions on travel into WA.

All travellers must be permitted entry by WA Police via completing the G2G PASS online form or the Entry into Designated Biosecurity Areas Form. Special arrangements are in place for mining and food production operations. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

You will need to provide confirmation that:

  • you do not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19
  • you have not been outside Australia in the past 14 days
  • you have not been exposed to coronavirus.

In exceptional cases, you may seek special permission to enter from WA Police via the G2G PASS online form or by completing the Application for Special Permission section of the Entry into Designated Areas Form.

Do the WA Government’s restrictions on regional travel and the Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions both apply?

Yes. You must meet the requirements of both the Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions and the State’s regional travel restrictions and entry into WA restrictions.

Additional restrictions apply for travel to remote Aboriginal communities, and restrictions may differ between communities. Some remote Aboriginal communities have closed their access roads. You should contact the community before planning to travel there.

If the WA Government’s Prohibition on Regional Travel Directions say I am allowed to travel between regions, can I travel to a designated biosecurity area?

You can only travel into a designated area if you meet the requirements in the Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions.

Can I return home to a designated biosecurity area? Have the rules changed?

If you are in another part of Western Australia, you may return home to a designated biosecurity area if you have self-isolated outside the designated area for the past 14 days.

If you are outside Western Australia, and do not fit into any of the exemption categories in the restrictions on travel into WA, you will need to apply for special approval to enter Western Australia, and explain why your circumstances are exceptional.

The rules under the Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions changed from Monday 13 April 2020, requiring people to first self-isolate outside the designated area before being able to return home.

In exceptional cases, you may seek special permission to enter from WA Police via the G2G PASS online form or by completing the Application for Special Permission section of the Entry into Designated Biosecurity Areas Form.

How long will these restrictions be in place?

The Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions started on 26 March 2020 and will end on 18 June 2020. It is not known at this time whether they will be extended.

The WA Government’s travel restrictions came into effect on:

On 18 May some of these restrictions were lifted. Visit COVID-19 coronavirus: Travel advice for more information.

Are there still flights going to Broome and Kununurra?

Yes, airlines are still servicing these airports. You should ensure you can enter before making travel arrangements.

Once I am in the Kimberley, can I travel between shires (e.g. Broome to Derby, Kununurra to Halls Creek)?

Yes, however Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions and State restrictions remain in place for remote Aboriginal communities.

I have had an operation in Perth and am due to return home using the Patient Assistance Scheme (PATS). Do I need to self-isolate? Where do I do that? Who pays?

You should first seek medical advice about your planned travel. If you do travel, you will need to self-isolate for 14 days before entering the designated area, unless you have obtained special permission. You are responsible for the costs of your self-isolation.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

Can I transit through a designated area on my way to another region or interstate?

Yes, if you are travelling for one of the reasons allowed in the Federal Biosecurity Act 2015 restrictions (such as returning home) and you take the most direct route; only stop for fuel; and do not come into contact with anyone in the area. You will need to complete and sign the Entry into Designated Biosecurity Areas Form, or receive an exemption via the G2G PASS online form before entering the designated area.

If travelling interstate, you must check beforehand whether you will be allowed to enter the Northern Territory or South Australia and can meet the conditions of entry into that jurisdiction.

Travel for essential service workers

I am delivering an essential service. Can I travel to a designated area even if I have been overseas within the past 14 days or am feeling unwell?

No. Nobody can legally enter a designated area if they have been outside Australia in the past 14 days, are showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or have been exposed to coronavirus without adequate protection.

I provide an essential service and am due to travel to a designated area for my next shift. Are there restrictions on me doing this?

Yes. You may not enter the designated area if you have any symptoms of COVID-19; have been overseas in the past 14 days; or have been exposed to coronavirus without adequate protection. This will need to be confirmed by completing the Entry into WA Designated Biosecurity Areas Form or via the G2G PASS online form.

You must self-isolate for 14 days before entering the designated area, unless this is not possible because the essential service is required urgently. Organisations delivering essential services should consider how prior self-isolation can be built into rostering and deployment arrangements.

You will be required to take reasonable steps to minimise the risk of transmitting coronavirus to any other person. If it is possible to self-isolate for any length of time before entering the designated area, you should do so, because this can still lower the risk of transmitting the virus (every day counts).

Draft COVID-19 risk management plans should be submitted to for approval by a Human Biosecurity Officer. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

I provide an essential activity and am therefore exempt from the travel restrictions. Is my family also exempt?

No, family members of essential workers are not exempt from the travel restrictions. They are required to complete 14 days self-isolation before entering the designated area.

Is my business an ‘essential activity’?

Refer to the Federal Government’s Biosecurity Determination, the State Prohibition on Regional Travel Directions, Quarantine (Closing the Border) Directions. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

I operate a business that provides an essential service in the designated area. How do I get a COVID-19 risk management plan approved?

Draft COVID-19 risk management plans should be submitted to for approval by a Human Biosecurity Officer. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

Self-isolation rules

I live in a remote Aboriginal community. Can I complete my period of self-isolation back at community?

No – unless you are engaged in an essential activity or have obtained special permission, you must self-isolate for 14 days before entering the designated area.

Additional travel restrictions also apply for remote Aboriginal communities. Some communities have closed their access roads.

You need to contact the community corporation or council to make sure you can safely return.

If I complete my self-isolation in a different region before returning home to a designated area, do I need to provide evidence of this?

Yes, you will need to complete and sign the Entry into Designated Areas Form, or use the G2G Pass online form confirm the details of your isolation. You may be asked to provide additional evidence.

Who pays for the cost of my self-isolation?

You are responsible for the costs of your self-isolation. If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

My child is still attending school outside a designated area and wants to return home. Do they need to self-isolate before coming home?

Yes, they will need to self-isolate for 14 days before entering the designated area, unless they have obtained special permission.

You can apply for permission via the G2G Pass online form or by completing the Application for Special Permission section of the Entry into Designated Areas Form.

I have a medical appointment in Perth and need to leave a designated area. Do I have to self-isolate before returning home?

Yes, you will need to self-isolate for 14 days before entering the designated area, unless you have obtained special permission.

You can apply for permission via the G2G Pass online form or by completing the Application for Special Permission section of the Entry into Designated Areas Form.

I work for a mining/oil and gas company and am travelling into a designated area for work. Do I need to self-isolate for 14 days (either before or after arrival)?

Yes, you need to speak to your employer or the operator of the mining/oil/gas activity. Your employer needs to have a plan in place that has been agreed with a Human Biosecurity Officer. You will also need to comply with your employer’s COVID-19 plan. For more information contact 13 COVID (132 68 43).

I need to travel to a designated area to work at a pastoral station, horticulture farm or other food production operation. Do I need to self-isolate for 14 days, either before or after arrival?

You will need to self-isolate for 14 days before entering the designated area unless:

  • there is an urgent need for you to enter the designated area to do your work, or
  • your work is covered by a COVID-19 risk management plan approved by a human biosecurity officer.

You will need to comply with your employer’s (or the operator's) COVID-19 risk management plan. You should contact your employer or the operator of the station or farm before starting your journey. You will need to apply for a travel exemption via the G2G Pass online form or complete and sign the Entry into Designated Areas Form.

What evidence do I need to provide?

How do I prove I am healthy and not carrying coronavirus?

You will need to answer specific health questions via the G2G Pass online form the paper based Entry into Designated Areas Form.

How do I prove I haven’t been outside Australia for the past 14 days?

During the application process, you will need to confirm that you have not been outside Australia in the past 14 days. This can be declared via the G2G Pass online form or the paper based Entry into Designated Areas Form.

How do I prove I have completed 14 days of self-isolation?

You will need to confirm that you have completed 14 days of self-isolation via the G2G Pass online form or the paper based Entry into Designated Areas Form.

Page reviewed 26 May 2020