Streamline WA Steering Committee meeting communiqué - September 2019

Outcomes of the sixth Streamline WA Steering Committee meeting.

Three projects on track to deliver regulatory reform

During its sixth meeting on 17 September 2019, the Streamline WA Steering Committee focused on the progress of Streamline WA’s three current projects: Environmental approvals in the mining sector, Regulatory practice and culture and Regulatory barriers to establishing tourist attractions.

Collaborative workshops were held in August to explore opportunities to improve the environmental approvals process for mining projects. The outcome of the workshops were nine practical and effective reforms, which the Steering Committee endorsed to proceed to project planning phase.

The Steering Committee also received a report on the progress of Regulatory Practice and Culture, noting findings and endorsing further work to investigate a whole of the public sector regulatory framework, initially focusing on New Zealand’s regulatory management system and how it might be applied in a Western Australian context.

Finally, the Steering Committee noted the Regulatory Barriers to Establishing Tourist Attractions survey, which consulted with over 100 tourist attraction proponents and industry stakeholders.

The survey identified duplicated processes, costliness, excessive time frames, inconsistency of advice, and complexity of regulation as key issues for prospective and existing tourist attraction operators. Going forward, the government will work with industry to address these issues.

About Streamline WA

Streamline WA is a whole of government initiative to make it easier to do business in WA by improving regulation and regulatory practice. Streamline WA is led by a Steering Committee, supported by regulatory and economic development government agencies, and operates in collaboration with leaders from industry and community groups.


Streamline WA Steering Committee meeting communique 6
Page reviewed 8 October 2019