Use of WA State Government badge by public sector agencies - Premier's Circular 2020/01

Premier's Circulars are used to communicate matters of whole of government policy and issues of strategic importance to the State.

Number:    2020/01
Issue Date:    09/04/2020
Review Date:    30/06/2021


All public sector agencies, other than those listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994, are to use the State Coat of Arms as the Western Australian (WA) State Government Badge. 

In accordance with the Armorial Bearings Protections Act 1979, non-government organisations cannot use the State Coat of Arms in any format unless authorised to do so. Non-government bodies may seek approval from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet for the use of the State Coat of Arms for educational or cultural purposes.

Public sector agencies are to refer to the Style Guide within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s Common Badging website in the production of new materials for WA Government projects and programs to ensure consistent use of the State Coat of Arms and the WA State Government Badge across the public sector. The Style Guide does not seek to override agency specific branding or require the replacement of existing materials, nor is a change of general department stationery required.

Agencies that have received co-badging approval under previous arrangements retain such approval, and should ensure compliance with specifications detailed in the Common Badging website. Applications for co-badging will continue to be considered by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, through the Common Badging Committee.


The State Coat of Arms is protected under the Armorial Bearings Protection Act 1979 and its official use is restricted to authorised WA Departments and Agencies, to authenticate documents, show ownership of property and to signify government projects or publications.

The Department of the Premier Cabinet’s Common Badging website contains common badging information, downloads and guidelines with regard to use of the State Coat of Arms and the State Government Badge. 


Mark McGowan MLA



  • Circular/s replaced by this Circular: 2017/05


Use of WA State Government Badge by Public Sector Agencies - Premier's Circular 2020/01
Page reviewed 9 April 2020