Website Metadata Tagging Standard

Establishes a consistent approach to tagging Western Australian Government website content, in order to make it easy to find and access.

Using standardised metadata tags across Western Australian Government websites will ensure:

  • relevant information is discoverable when searching government websites
  • the information presented on search result pages are relevant and meaningful
  • website content metadata is consistently defined, understood and applied.

The objectives of the standard are to:

  • Improve discovery and access to government information and services, regardless of which agency provides the information, in order to help people without knowledge of government structures find what they need.
  • Standardise how website content is tagged and referenced across Western Australian Government agency websites, so that it is understandable to both the community and global search engines. 

This standard is part of the Digital Services Policy Framework that underpins the Digital Services Policy.


Page reviewed 4 December 2019