Market-led Proposals

Market-led Proposals provide an innovative opportunity for Government and the private sector to work together to create jobs and stimulate the economy in Western Australia.

The Market-led Proposals Policy was updated in March 2020

Market-led Proposals (MLP) provide an innovative opportunity for us to work with the private sector to create jobs and stimulate Western Australia’s economy.  

The MLP Policy is designed to enable you to submit your business' unique proposal to government, providing a single channel and a clear, consistent and transparent process.

An MLP is an unsolicited proposal from the private sector to government to:

  • build and/or finance infrastructure
  • provide goods or services
  • purchase a government owned asset

From time to time, we may look to the private sector for innovative ideas or solutions for a specific matters. An MLP may be prepared in response to a published Problem and Opportunity Statement.

The updated MLP Policy is effective from 16 March 2020

The revised MLP Policy continues to provide a path for businesses to present unique proposals to government.

Important updates include: 

We retain the ability to enter into exclusive negotiations with a proponent when a proposal meets the characteristics described in the policy. If proponents meet the criteria of the MLP Policy during the Stage 1 assessment but are unable to demonstrate characteristics for exclusivity, an alternate pathway (First Mover Advantage) allows us to continue exploring the merits of a proposal and provide an incentive to the proponents for presenting the innovative idea.   

This is determined during the Stage 1 process, where the Procurement Pathways Assessment is completed. Details and characteristics of the Procurement Pathways Assessment are outlined in the MLP Policy and MLP Supplementary Guidelines.

Government priorities and exclusions

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To meet the scope of the MLP Policy, proponents must clearly articulate a strong alignment to the priorities of the Government and demonstrate the level of impact the proposal will achieve to assist priorities.

With the State’s current priority the COVID-19 response, proposals will be assessed in WA’s long-term interests to stimulate the economy and create jobs.

From time to time, we will invite industry to propose innovative solutions to specific Problem and Opportunity Statements. These opportunities will be published on this webpage.

To help you understand any types of proposals or solutions that we would not consider a priority, specific exclusions will be published. These are on top of the exclusions listed in the MLP Policy and MLP Supplementary Guidelines.

Current priorities

The MLP process ensures all proposed benefits are in WA’s long-term interests.

Current Exclusions

To help you understand our priorities, listed exclusions that will not be considered under the MLP Policy include those that:

  • are dealt with by an existing government process that is underway
  • seek to obtain industry assistance and other grants currently available and considered through existing programs
  • relate to a project or program that government has already decided and/or announced will be released to the market
  • are not required to be subjected to a competitive procurement process
  • have a total estimated value below the threshold that would require a competitive procurement process (as specified in WA Government policy and/or legislation)
  • do not meet our current priorities
  • lack structure and sufficient supporting information

Current problem and opportunity statements

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There are no current problem or opportunity statements.

Key stages of the process

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You are encouraged to read the MLP Policy and Supplementary Guidelines to ensure you understand the policy, process and the terms in which you are agreeing to participate in the process.

Self-Assessment Checklist

The Self-Assessment checklist has been made available to help you with the development of your proposals and evaluate if your proposal meets the scope of the MLP Policy and our priorities.

Compulsory pre-submission meeting

Before lodging a submission, proponents must attend a meeting with the MLP Secretariat. This meeting will be used to advise proponents if a proposal is likely to be within the scope of the MLP Policy and have a reasonable prospect of meeting the evaluation criteria.

At the meeting, you will be able to outline your idea. We will discuss the MLP process and by the end of the meeting, you should know if your proposal is ready lodge.

Please read the MLP Policy and Supplementary Guidelines before your meeting to get the most out of it.

To arrange your confidential meeting, please email the MLP Secretariat at

Stage 1: Concept submission

After a concept submission is received, the proposal will undergo an initial scope and priorities assessment. If these aspects are satisfied, then it will be considered against the full criteria and an appropriate procurement pathway can be determined. A recommendation will be made to government, and at this point proponents will be advised of the outcome and if they are invited to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Business case evaluation

If invited to Stage 2, proponents develop their proposal into a detailed business case, in consultation with the lead agency, for evaluation by government.

Stage 3: Negotiation of Final Binding Offer

If invited to Stage 3, outstanding issues are negotiated with a view to entering a binding agreement should government accept the offer.

Preparing and submitting your MLP

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It’s important that you read the MLP Policy, MLP Supplementary Guidelines, and Terms and Conditions in the Stage 1 Concept Submission Template.

These documents outline the:

  • end-to-end process
  • level of information required at each stage
  • responsibilities, communication protocols, obligations and disclosures
  • criteria your proposal will be assessed against
  • procurement characteristics and how an appropriate procurement method is determined

After meeting with the MLP Secretariat, you will complete the Stage 1 Template and lodge it with the Secretariat.

Your proposal must provide a level of detail that matches the complexity of your submission and a brief description on how it will meet each of the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Is aligned with government policy objectives and priorities. For example, aligned to the Government's priorities and/or other government strategies/plans and/or is in response to a published opportunity and is not specifically excluded from consideration by Government at this time
  2. Has significant social, environmental, economic or financial benefits for Western Australians
  3. Represents value for money for Western Australians and is affordable in the context of State Budget priorities
  4. Is feasible (including financially) and the proponent has the financial and technical capacity, capability and experience to deliver the outcome successfully
  5. The risks to government (financial, reputational and/or security) are acceptable and there is an appropriate allocation of risk between the proponent and government

More information on each of these criteria is outlined in the MLP Supplementary Guidelines. For guidance on completing the Stage 1 Template or to determine whether your proposal is likely to meet the evaluation criteria, please email the MLP Secretariat at

During Stage 1, you may be asked to attend a meeting with the evaluation panel. It could include members from the MLP Secretariat, relevant government agencies and government trading enterprises.

You will be advised of the outcome of the Stage 1 review once a decision has made. 

Possible outcomes include being:

  1. Invited to submit a Stage 2 Proposal
  2. Directed to an alternative government process
  3. Advised your proposal is unsuccessful

We aim to advise you of the outcome within 99 business days of submitting your proposal. If there are delays from either party, we will communicate the anticipated timing with you.

Reporting information and disclosures

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We recognise the confidential nature of MLP submissions and will endeavour to treat them accordingly, subject to the disclosure contemplated by the MLP Policy; Terms and Conditions; and public disclosure and accountability obligations. Only staff administering the MLP Policy or involved in the assessment of a specific proposal will have access to your information.

While all reasonable steps will be taken to protect your intellectual property, you should be mindful that participating in the MLP process is at your own risk.

Public Disclosure

Managing the balance of confidentiality for proponents and public interest is paramount to the success of the MLP Policy. A summary of each MLP invited to Stage 2, and the outcome of the evaluation process at the end of Stages 2 and 3, will be publicly disclosed on this webpage.

The MLP Secretariat maintains a register of all MLPs and data may be reported in an aggregated, non-identifying form.

Cabinet Reporting

Cabinet will receive regular high level reporting from the MLP Steering Committee on the status of each proposal.

Current and completed proposals

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From 11 April 2019 to 16 March 2020, we received 27 MLPs. The table below outlines the number of proposals received in each industry category.

Category Number received
Property 8
Health 5
Community services 5
Infrastructure 2
Tourism 2
Telecommunications and ICT 1
Education 1
Publishing and media 1
Retail 1
Environmental 1
Total 27

As at 16 March 2020, of the 27 proposals lodged, 14 are current, 2 were withdrawn, 8 did not pass pre-qualification and 3 were referred to other government processes. 

The table below outlines the reasons why MLPs did not pass pre-qualification. Some did not pass for multiple reasons.

Reason Number of proposals
Strategic alignment 5
Public interest 6
Value for money 3
Feasibility 5
Risks 6
Justification for exclusive negotiations 8

MLP Steering Committee

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The MLP Steering Committee oversees the MLP Policy and provides recommendations to Cabinet. The Committee comprises an independent Chair, Directors General, and Chief Executive Officers of the following agencies and statutory authorities:

  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
  • Western Australian Planning Commission Chairman (for all planning and land related MLPs)
  • Lead Agency for the proposal
  • Other key agencies as determined by the Committee

The Committee may establish subcommittees to manage high risk or complex MLPs.

Page reviewed 27 March 2020