Procurement Reform

Developing a whole-of-government procurement strategy.

A project to enhance procurement policy and practice in the public sector is being led by the Department of Finance.

The project will develop a consolidated procurement framework that applies to goods, services and works. It will realise efficiencies across the sector, reduce red-tape and increase public confidence in procurement. In taking a collaborative, inclusive and staged approach, the Department will also build and sustain best practice in procurement.

The project will improve the existing fragmented approach to goods, services and works procurement across government. Inconsistencies in this system are challenging and frustrating for agencies and industry, and restrict government’s capacity to deliver maximum benefits to the Western Australian community.

The Procurement Bill 2020 is currently before Parliament. When the legislation is passed, more information will be available here.

Proposed Debarment Regime

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Improving suppliers' business practices.

The Government wants to work with suppliers to improve business practices. This helps us partner with a well-functioning, competitive market of suppliers delivering important services to our community.

The state and global community expects businesses and government to better manage their supply chain. They want government to do business with suppliers who act within the law and who act responsibly.

One way Government can ensure it contracts only with responsible suppliers is to exclude suppliers who are not responsible, at a whole-of-government level.

The State proposes to develop a debarment regime, which is a transparent process, that includes published grounds and robust governance, that would allow Government to exclude suppliers.

The Government will shortly release a draft debarment regime. We look forward to receiving your response to that draft.

In the interim, if you have any questions on the draft debarment regime please contact

Page reviewed 13 May 2020