Procurement review committees

The committees review high value, high risk procurements.

The procurement review committees, the State Tender Review Committee, and Community Services Procurement Review Committee, were established to review high value, high risk procurements, and provide government and the community with an extra level of assurance that procurements achieve value for money, and comply with procurement policies. 

State Tenders Review Committee (STRC)

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The advisory committee reviews high value, high risk procurement of goods and services.

The State Tender Review Committee (STRC) is independent from the Department of Finance. It is accessible to all public authorities that procure goods and services.  

It gives us assurance that high value, high risk projects:  

  • deliver value for money outcomes to the agency, government and the community 
  • meet State Supply Commission and other related government policies 
  • apply best practice procurement principles 
  • appropriately manage government risk


  • procurement plans with a total estimated value of $5 million and above 
  • evaluation reports with total estimated values of $5 million and above 
  • other procurement matters referred to it

Final accountability and responsibility of decisions remains with the Accountable Authority.  

For more details on submission to STRC please contact your Finance representative.    

Community Services Procurement Review Committee (CSPRC)

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The advisory committee reviews high value, high risk procurement from the not-for-profit sector.

The Committee is advisory and does not operate under delegated authority from the State Supply Commission or the Department of Finance. It is accessible to all public authorities that procure human services from the non-for-profit sector.  

It provides Accountable Authorities and Finance with assurance that high value, high risk projects: 

  • deliver outcomes that align with the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy 
  • provide value for money outcomes for all  
  • apply best practice principles  
  • meet State Supply Commission and government policy standards

It endorses or recommends on: 

  • community  service procurement plans valued at $5 million and above 
  • community service contract award recommendations valued at $5 million and above 
  • other procurement matters referred to it

Final accountability and responsibility for decisions remains with the Accountable Authority.  


The committee must have: 

  • members from the public sector appointed by Finance’s Executive Director of Government Procurement 
  • at least five members – three who are not Finance employees 
  • a Chairperson who is not a Finance employee and a Deputy Chairperson 
  • Finance’s Director, Funding and Contracting Services of Government Procurement as a member

Meeting arrangements 

The committee meetings: 

  • are at 10 am on Thursday at the Department of Finance, 16 Parkland Road, Osborne Park  
  • agenda items must be with the Executive Officer by 11am Wednesday, the week prior to consideration 
  • community service procurement plans, contract award recommendations and contract management plans are submitted by the  procuring agency’s team leader. They should not be approved by the agency’s Accountable Authority prior to submission.  
  • when needed, letters detailing Community Services Procurement Review Committee decisions and supporting advice will be sent to the Accountable Authority under the signature of Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson

The committee may take any of the following actions: 

  • endorse 
  • conditionally endorse 
  • decline to endorse 
  • defer 
  • make recommendations 
  • note 
Page reviewed 2 December 2019