Media resources

Media protocols during prison and court visits

Protocols for media during prison visits

When visiting a prison please allow additional time for security screening. All items that you bring to the site must be declared, inspected and logged by Prison Officers, both on arrival and departure. Personal items such as your car keys, wallet or handbag can be placed in a secure locker at the gatehouse, for which you will be provided with a key to access.

All media content you produce during the course of your visit will be inspected by Public Affairs Officers and or Prison Officers prior to leaving the prison and any images or recording that may compromise the security of staff, prisoners and or the facility, must be deleted from your equipment and devices, prior to departure.

Prisons are highly secure environments, and there are many necessary restrictions on filming, photography and recording to protect the safety of staff and prisoners. If you are unsure at any time, ask the Public Affairs officer or the Superintendent at the site.

Typical items, locations and persons that cannot be recorded or photographed in a prison may include:

  • keys
  • fences
  • CCTV cameras
  • locks
  • rear of the gatehouse
  • internal areas of the yard
  • internal perimeter area
  • identifying features of staff and or prisoners

Further restrictions may be imposed as Department of Justice staff see fit.

Please be aware that restrictions apply to what you can wear into a prison, for more details please read what to wear when visiting.

Protocols for media during court visits

The Department of Justice provides media assistance on the day to day management of current Departmental matters, including laws, policies and legal issues along with sourcing and providing information as appropriate. For assistance please refer to media enquires

For media enquiries on issues relating to Court reporting, including suppression orders, judges' sentencing remarks and the delivery of judgments please contact the Manager, Media and Public Liaison.

When attending Court please allow additional time for security screening. Journalists are permitted to use electronic devices in Court however ID from their media organisation must be shown and is subject to any direction by the presiding judicial officer. For details on protocols please refer to the Guidelines for the Media Courts.

Page reviewed 13 February 2020