Wooroloo Prison Farm

A male prison east of Perth.

Social visits have been suspended at all prisons, work farms and the Banksia Hill Detention Centre.

Approved prisoners are able to work under supervision in the local community and are involved in reforestation and environmental programs, training at local businesses and general community projects.

The prison's large industries complex produces goods for the prison system and for external contracts including prison food, offsetting some of the costs of prisoner management.

Prisoners are taught workshop skills and can take part in traineeships to help them find a job when they are released from prison.

Visitors may be searched

Visitors may be searched when they enter prison grounds.

This includes the use of drug detection dogs which are used to detect prohibited items and substances. Searches include visitors' cars in the prison car park.

Handheld devices such as metal detectors will be used to ensure that visitors are not attempting to smuggle contraband inside the prison.

The Superintendent is authorised to examine any article in the visitor’s possession, including items of clothing. Where items of clothing are required to be removed for examination, prison officers of the same sex as the visitor will perform the search, or where the visitor is a child it will be a female officer.

How to book a visit

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Bookings can be made by phone.

To make a booking call 9573 3088 from Monday to Thursday during the following hours:

  • 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
  • 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm

Prisoners who arrive late in the week can book a visit through the unit staff. 

There is a maximum of 3 adults at one time per visit.

Visitors are required to produce identification upon arrival at the prison and may have their person or vehicle searched.

Visiting hours

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Saturday and Sunday:

  • 9.00 am to 11.00 am
  • 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm

Public holidays:

  • 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm

Closed to visitors on Good Friday and Christmas Day.

Visitors should plan to arrive at the prison at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled visit time for security screening.

The Visitor's Centre opens for visits half an hour prior to the start of the visit (between 8.30 am and 9.00 am in the morning and between 1.00 pm and 1.30 pm in the afternoon and closes when the visit starts). Do not be late as no exceptions are made for late arrivals.

Prisoners may only receive 1 x 2 hour visit per week.The Visitor's Centre access is on the fence line.

Skype (e-visits) and inter-prison visits are available to eligible prisoners.

Visiting with children

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Children are welcome to visit the prison provided those under the age of 16 years are supervised by a responsible adult at all times. 

To book a visit with children please tell the prison when you book the visit.

There is a grassed outside area and an internal area with baby changing facilities. A range of toys and games are available.

Child visit restrictions may apply to some prisoners. At least two family-orientated special visit sessions are held at the prison each year, usually during school holidays.

Getting there

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a bus icon

A free bus service for social visitors, departing from Midland train station and return, is provided on Sunday afternoons. 

Bookings for the bus service are essential and can be made at the time of booking your prison visit. 

The bus departs from Midland Train Station at 12.30 pm only. There is no prison bus service for morning visits.

Refer to Transperth for more public transport options.

Car Suspension

The prison is about an hour's drive east of Perth. Parking is available to visitors.

What to wear to visit

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When you come for your visit you will have to make sure you've dressed appropriately.

  • No revealing clothing
  • No see-through clothing
  • No ripped or torn clothing
  • No gang colours or offensive logos
  • No tight-fitting clothing or lycra
  • No steel-capped boots
  • No hi-visibility clothing
  • No headwear
  • No smartwatches
  • No swimwear
  • No excessive jewellery 

Visitors to prison must wear underwear and footwear. 

Pants and skirts/dresses should be longer than mid-thigh.

Exemptions for legitimate cultural, religious or medical reasons or at the discretion of the Security Manager.

You will need to put your mobile phone, bags and personal items in a locker at your visit.

Aboriginal visitor information

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The Department of Justice recognises the importance of maintaining the prisoner’s family relationships and links with their community. For more information visit Aboriginal visitors.

Sending money to prisoners

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You can send money a prisoner by cash or money order.

Visiting the Visitor's Centre at the start of your visit. Cash (notes only) up to the value of $100 maximum is accepted.


You can send a money order to:

Prisoner's full name
PO Box 100
Wooroloo WA 6558

Official Visitors

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Some Official Visitors are different from social visitors and may require the permission from the Minister for Corrective Services.

To book, phone 95733088 or email AC-WCPF-WOO-officialvisitsbookings@justice.wa.gov.au

Official visits are available between 9.00 am to 11.00 am and 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

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Content and services will be migrated to the new site from October 2019.

Page reviewed 29 April 2020