Primary and secondary school programs - Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

Students are welcome to visit the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia to learn about our systems of government.

By bringing your class on a visit to the Constitutional Centre you can explore how government works and how each individual is important in the electoral and parliamentary system that forms our democracy.

Program content ranges from colonisation to our modern system of government, Western Australia's fight for self-government, the Federation of Australia and constitutional reform.

Our programs are free, hands-on and delivered by experienced education officers catering for the needs of students from years one to 12. Each program has links to the Early Years Learning Framework and WA Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) curriculum, with teacher background notes and free teaching resources also provided. 

All course outlines, resources and teacher notes have been reviewed and updated in December 2019.

Make a booking.


Years 1 to 3

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Students explore the concepts of rules, the democratic process of voting and build on their understanding of civics and citizenship.
Year 1-3 program- Larfalot image- Constitutiopnal Centre of Western Australia

Prejudice in Parkesville

Using a book and puppets, this program uses the imaginary town of Parkesville and its inhabitants to explore the problem of prejudice in the new town of Parkesville and how the residents deal with this issue. Prejudice is a prequel to Larfalot's Letter. (EYLF Outcome 2)

Larfalot's Letter

This program explores the concept of rules forming a constitution and the democratic process of voting to elect representatives. This book is the sequel to Prejudice in Parkesville. (EYLF Outcome 2; ACHASSK070; ACHASSK071)

Year 3 program

Students build on their understanding of civics and citizenship through the concepts of democracy and participation. Using familiar contexts, they consider how and why community groups create rules and make decisions. Students think about their own participation in the local community and how this contributes to society.

All programs are 45 minutes.

See course outline and resources.

Students focus on the need for rules, the purpose of local governemnt and build on their understanding of the importance of laws in society.
Year 4 Program-Where I Live - Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

This 60-minute visit focusses on the need for rules at school and the purpose of local government. Students discover the services provided by local government through a fun and interactive fishing activity. The program concludes with a letter writing activity to their local government leader. 

Government and society

Students continue to build an understanding of civics and citizenship through the concepts of democratic values, rights and responsibilities, and participation. They explore the purpose and services of local government and how this contributes to community life. The notions of belonging and personal identity are further developed to encompass laws, the importance of laws in society and cultural diversity.

See Year 4 course outline and resources.

Students continue to build on their understanding of the concepts of democratic values, justice and rights and responsibilities as they further develop their understanding of laws.
Year 5 Program -Democracy - Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

Students are introduced to the concept of the Westminster system as they explore the key features of Australia's electoral process.

Students develop their understanding and application of skills, including questioning and researching, analysing, evaluating, communicating and reflecting. They apply these skills to their daily learning experiences as they investigate events, developments, issues and phenomena, both historic and contemporary.


This 60-minute program investigates the key values of Australia's democracy. Students participate in a series of interactive activities to reinforce these concepts. A fun, educational game show consolidates the learning. (ACHASSK115)

Note: To complement Democracy   -  a separate program on voting is available from the Electoral Education Centre (6552 6077) (ACHASSK116)

See Year 5 course outline and resources.

Students continue building on their understanding of the concepts of justice, rights and responsibilities, and the Westminster system.

Students investigate Australia's democratic system of government, including state or territory and federal parliaments, and the court system. Students examine Australian citizenship, and reflect on the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen.

Students develop their historical understanding through the key concepts of sources, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy and significance. These concepts are investigated within the historical context of:

  • Australia's national development, particularly after 1900
  • the factors that led to Federation
  • how Australian society changed during the 20th Century.

Magna Carta

This 60-minute program highlights the charter of English liberties known as the Magna Carta and its influence on the Westminster and Australian parliamentary systems of government. (ACHASSK143; ACHASSK134)


This 60-minute program concentrates on the key ideas and events that led to Australia's Federation. (ACHASSK134, ACHASSK143)

Three levels of Government

This 60-minute program focuses on the role and responsibilities of the three levels of government, including shared roles. (ACHASSK144, ACHASSK143)

Making laws

The emphasis in this 60-minute program is the way in which federal laws are initiated and passed through the Federal Parliament. Students participate in a parliamentary style debate to demonstrate the passage of a bill. Please contact Constitutional Centre for availability. (ACHASSK143; ACHASSK144; ACHASSK146)

See Year 6 outline and resources. 

Students learm more about our constitution and the process of constitional change.
Year 7 Program - Constitution and You - Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

The Constitution and You

Students work their way through a series of activities  to learn more about our constitution. The activities include the three arms of government, separation of powers, roles of the bicameral parliament and advantages of a written constitution.


This session takes students through the process of constitutional change using the 1967 referendum as the example. Students will participate in a referendum vote carried out by the WA Electoral Education Office.

Programs run for 60 minutes.

See Year 7 course outline and resources.

Students work in collaboration to look at the origins of democracy, invetsigate types of democracies and classify the rights and responsibility of Australian citizenship.

Democracy in action

In this program, students will also look more closely into the freedoms of speech, religion, movement, media, assembly and association. (ACHCK061/62)
Note: The WA Electoral Education Centre can conduct a voting activity as a second part of the program to complement Democracy in Action. (ACHCK062)   Joint bookings are encouraged

Programs run for 60 minutes.

See Year 8 course outline and resources.

Students investigate examples of different types of political parties, independent members or parliament and how government is formed.
Year 9 Program-Forming Government- Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

Forming government 

During this visit, students are introduced to the concept of political spectrums, and then work to define what is, and where a wide range of political parties fit on to it. The lesson is completed with a quick quiz. (ACHCK075)

This program runs for 60 minutes.

See Year 9 course outline and resources.

Year 10

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Students learn about the Constitutional power of the High Court.

The Constitution and the High Court of Australia

A lecture session that focusses on the Constitutional power of the High Court and some landmark decisions. (ACHCK092)

See Year 10 course outline and resources.

Western Australian Certificate of Education Politics and Law

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Programs supporting students in Years 11 and 12.

Unit 1

Inside the Constitution 

This sessions covers some of the essential understandings that underpin the concepts of division of powers, constitutionalism and federalism.

Unit 3

Australia's Constitution/Federalism in Australia

The focus of this program is to cover the key functions of the Commonwealth Parliament as prescribed in Australia's Constitution 

Constitutional Change

In this session students are taken through the process of Constitutional Change (S128) Referendums and/or contemporary High Court of Australia decisions which have altered the interpretation of the Constitution

1975 Crisis

A constitutional perspective of the events leading up to the dismissal of the Whitlam Labor Government. Major points covered include the relevant sections of the Australian Constitution, and discussion of Constitutional convention as it applies to this moment in our nation's history.

Loan box program

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Free loan boxes are available for regional and remote schools.

A number of loan boxes, developed by the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia, the Electoral Education Centre and the Francis Burt Law Education Centre, are available for schools in the remote and regional areas of the State. 

Each kit contains a complete program with an interactive activity and teacher's notes and are available for one month free of charge.

All programs are linked to the Western Australian HASS Curriculum. All programs are free and made available to your school for four weeks.

Loan boxes available include:

Where I Live (Year 4)

This program focusses on the need for rules at school and the purpose of Local Government. Students discover the services provided by Local Government through a fun and interactive fishing activity. The program concludes with a letter writing activity to their local government leader. (ACHASSK091; ACELY1694)

Rules and Laws (Years 4-5)

This program concentrates on the difference and similarities between rules and laws.  Students are engaged through fun activities to explore the reasons why rules and laws are important. (ACHASSK092)

Democracy (Year 5)

This program discusses the meaning of democracy and investigates the key values of Australia's democracy. Students participate in a series of interactive activities to reinforce these concepts. A fun, education 'game show' will be used to consolidate their learning. (ACHASSK115)

Three Levels of Government (Years 5-6)                                                                                                                           

This program focusses on the role and responsibilities of the three levels of government including shared roles. Students participate in a series of interactive activities to reinforce their knowledge of the three levels of government. (ACHASSK144)                                                    

Making Laws (Years 5-6)                                                   

The emphasis in this program is the way in which federal/state  laws are initiated and passed through the federal Parliament. Students participate in a parliamentary style debate to demonstrate the passage of a bill. (ACHASSK143, ACHASSK144, ACHASSK146)

Magna Carta (Year 6)

This program highlights Magna Carta's influence on the Westminster and Australian parliamentary systems of government. Students will investigate the contemporary place of Magna Carta on democracy and rights today, along with some of the interesting facts of feudal times. (ACHASSK143; ACHASSK134)

Federation (Year 6)                                                                    

This program concentrates on the key ideas and events that led to Australia's Federation. Students participate in collaborative group work to investigate why and how Federation occurred. (ACHASSK134)

Constitution and You (Year 7)                                        

Students work in pairs through a variety of topics which include: Federation, the Australian Constitution, the three levels of government, the Federal Parliament and Constitutional referenda. (ACHCK048)

In addition, boxes by the Electoral Education Centre are also available on:

Electoral Education Voting Activity (suitable for all levels)

Students explore our preferential voting system and participate in a mock election. This program enables students to explore one of the most important democratic rights in an enjoyable but informative manner. Teacher's notes provided. (ACHASSK116, ACHCK062) 

The Francis Burt Law Education Programme (FBLEP) Pack  (suitable for middle/upper primary – lower secondary)

The FBLEP pack focuses on the Western Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum  for years 4-9.  The pack consist of a "Rule or Law?" card game, and a legal and civics worksheet booklet. A teacher's pack with solutions is provided for each resource

Book a loan box.

Page reviewed 11 February 2020