Better Regulation

Guidance to support agencies develop and implement regulatory proposals within the framework of the Better Regulation Program.

Well-designed and efficiently administered regulation can play a critical role in delivering improved social and economic outcomes, including lower costs for consumers, safer and healthier communities, and higher living standards.

The Better Regulation Unit in the Department of Treasury works with agencies to ensure high-quality analysis underpins regulatory decision making.

Developing a regulatory proposal

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Guidance and support for agencies

The Better Regulation Program guides the development, design and implementation of regulatory proposals in the Western Australian public sector and is the Cabinet-approved replacement for the Regulatory Impact Assessment program.

Regulatory proposals involve new regulatory instruments or amendments to existing regulatory instruments. This includes legislation and regulation, and in some cases, quasi-regulations, such as codes and advisory instruments, submitted to Cabinet.

Essential information on the Better Regulation Program and how it can be used to develop and design regulatory proposals is outlined in the Agency Information Paper.

Further guidance for agencies on important aspects of developing a regulatory proposal are provided in Guidance Notes. The current Guidance Notes provide further information on the following aspects:

Agencies should also refer to guidance in the Cabinet Handbook, the Expenditure Review Committee Handbook and Parliamentary Counsels Office’s guidelines and procedures

Regulatory resources

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Information for regulators and policy agencies

A range of completed Regulatory Impact Statements are provided below to assist agencies in developing their own regulatory proposals.

Agencies may also wish to consider completed Regulatory Impact Statements undertaken in other Australian jurisdictions and New Zealand:

Page reviewed 31 March 2020