Case Study: Government Trading Enterprise Reform

The Program is reviewing the governance arrangements of Government Trading Enterprises to build a framework that will strengthen how they collaborate with other parts of the State Government.


The scope of the Government Trading Enterprise (GTE) Reform Program was shaped by the GTE-related recommendations of the Service Priority Review and Special Inquiry into Government Programs and Projects. A principles-based approach was adopted to articulate the desired outcomes of the Program.


The GTE Reform Program is reviewing the governance arrangements of GTEs and, through broad stakeholder engagement and consultation, has developed a framework to strengthen how GTEs collaborate with other parts of the Western Australian Government.

The GTE Reform Program was established on 1 July 2018 and during its first six months, through extensive consultation and engagement, sought out best practice in GTE governance. This involved consultation with the 16 GTEs taking part in the first stage of the Reform, as well as research and inter-jurisdictional visits to consider the practices of other government-owned businesses.

Consultation and collaboration is at the heart of the GTE Reform Program and central to its success to date. From the outset of the Program, there has been a strong drive to do consultation differently, with genuine collaboration and feedback underpinning the stakeholder engagement approach. This was effectively demonstrated in the Program’s Operational Forums, which were designed to build community while capturing information about each organisation’s governance activities. 

The Forums used multiple feedback mechanisms to gain insights across operational areas, recognising that different communication avenues would stimulate different conversations. These included discussion papers, face-to-face forums, key ‘takeaway’ documents and formal written submissions. Engagement has been enhanced through regular contact with the Executives and Boards of each GTE to ensure they understand the rationale of each step of the consultation approach. A regular newsletter to GTE and agency representatives has also supported dissemination of information about the Program’s progress within entities. 


The GTE Reform Program is a demonstration of how authentic collaboration and proactive stakeholder engagement can accelerate the rate of public sector reform. The Program is reviewing the governance arrangements of Government Trading Enterprises (GTEs) to build a framework that will strengthen how they collaborate with other parts of the State Government. The framework will provide clarity, accountability and efficiency in how government-owned businesses deliver their services in partnership with the State Government.

Page reviewed 20 February 2020