Eco and nature-based tourism 90-day project

Making it easier to start an eco or nature-based tourism business.

The Eco and Nature-based Tourism 90-Day Regulatory Mapping and Reform Project was announced in November 2016.  Making it easier for eco and nature-based tourism businesses to commence and operate in Western Australia will promote sustainable economic growth and improve employment opportunities in local communities, particularly in regional and remote areas.

This project was conducted in collaboration with a wide range of government agencies with regulatory or administrative responsibilities that interact with businesses in the eco and nature-based tourism sector. It builds on valuable consultations with industry groups, and over 80 Western Australian businesses that have participated either through an on-line business survey, telephone interviews or as part of an on-site visit program that extended to the Gascoyne and South West regions.

This project has delivered:

  • regulatory process map  that clarifies the regulatory pathways that eco and nature-based tourism businesses may need to navigate, depending on their activity or location
  • A list of recommendations for a wide range of government agencies that streamline approvals and other regulatory processes, reduce delays, improve guidance and other resources for businesses, and support ongoing regulatory reform
  • project summary report that gives an overview of the project and its outcomes.
Page reviewed 28 April 2020