Horticulture 90-day regulatory mapping and reform project

Making it easier to commence and operate a horticulture business.

The Horticulture  90-Day  Regulatory  Mapping  and  Reform  Project commenced  in June 2018. The aim of the project is to reduce regulatory burden and red tape on businesses involved in the intensive and commercial cultivation of horticultural crops in Western Australia.

Led by the Department of Treasury, this project is undertaken in collaboration with other government agencies, industry associations and individual businesses to deliver: 

  • a regulatory process map that clarifies the regulatory pathways that horticulture businesses need to navigate as they seek to commence or expand their operations; and
  • practical and achievable recommendations developed in collaboration with key stakeholders to streamline approvals and other regulatory processes, reduce delays, improve guidance and other resources for businesses, and support ongoing regulatory reform. 

Document library

Terms of Reference 

Link to Media Release

Link to Findings from Business Consultations

Over 200 existing or aspiring horticulture businesses in Western Australia participated in consultations that were undertaken during July and August 2018 (now closed). 

The information provided has formed a valuable ‘evidence database’ to identify the regulatory pain points affecting day-to-day operations and investment decisions for a substantial number of businesses in the sector.

Page reviewed 28 April 2020