Investment proposals

Asset investment proposals are developed and considered under a gradual approach which involves sequenced approvals and increasing levels of rigour, detail and resource allocation.

In general, this approach involves the preparation of:

  • an application for concept approval which seeks the Minister’s endorsement for a proposal beyond the State’s four-year Asset Investment Program, based on desktop analysis and advice
  • a detailed business case for a proposal within the Program, based on robust analysis of aspects including the project scope, alternative options, benefits, cost, schedule and risk profile and
  • a project definition plan prior to seeking approval to proceed to the tender preparation stage.

The Government may decide that a proposal should be developed faster than envisaged under the normal SAMF timing. Fast-tracked status is generally reserved for election commitments and for the State’s highest priority projects, including to address events that could not reasonably have been foreseen (such as the destruction of an asset in a natural disaster).

It is not possible in the high-level SAMF guidance to specify the level of detail and rigour that should be achieved for all asset investment proposals. However, the SAMF guidance provides universal models that are used by an agency as a start-point for developing a particular investment concept, business case or project definition plan. After reading the guidance, the project sponsor should contact Treasury in the early drafting stage for advice on the likely scale of work and detail required. Treasury will also advise on recent best practice examples by lead agencies which the project sponsor may seek to obtain.

Application for concept approval

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These documents provide the policy and a model for an application for concept approval which is required for proposals with a total capital cost of $1 million or more.

ACA template has been superseded and should not be used.

Business case

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These documents provide the policy and a model for an asset-related business case which is required for proposals with a total capital cost of $1million or more.

Fast-tracked proposals

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This document provides a definition and process for the planning and implementation of fast-tracked asset investment proposals. Such proposals should be:

  • based on a business case that is at least as robust as for a standard proposal
  • resourced-to-succeed within the tight timeframes normally applied and
  • well-governed, including by an inter-agency taskforce as necessary.

Given its urgency, a fast-tracked proposal is presented in the business case format in the first instance. An application for concept approval is not required.

Project definition plan

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This document provides the policy and model for a project definition plan which is required for all proposals with a total capital cost of $5 million or more. The project definition plan further clarifies the asset design concept and controls potential material variations to the scope, cost, schedule and risk parameters that were approved by Cabinet based on the business case. The plan also identifies ways to address project delivery risks that may arise, for example, from the geotechnical conditions at the site where a facility is to be refurbished or constructed.

Page reviewed 20 February 2020