Public sector superannuation schemes

The Western Australian Government provides a range of superannuation schemes for public sector employees.

The schemes administered by the Government Employees Superannuation Board include: 

  • GESB Super – A taxed accumulation scheme. The open default fund for most State public sector employees since 16 April 2007. 
  • West State Super – An untaxed* accumulation scheme, introduced in response to Commonwealth’s Superannuation Guarantee. The default fund for most State public sector employees effective July 1992 to 15 April 2007, when closed to new members. 
  • Gold State Super – A voluntary, untaxed* defined benefit scheme requiring member contributions to receive a lump sum benefit. Open to new members from 1987 to 29 December 1995.
  • Retirement Income – Allocated Pension – A taxed allocated pension. Open from April 2003 to GESB members who retire or transition to retirement. 
  • State Pension Scheme – A voluntary, untaxed* defined pension scheme requiring member contributions to receive a lifetime indexed pension for the member and reversionary beneficiary. Open to new members from 1938 to August 1986. 
  • Retirement Income – Term Allocated Pension – A taxed, term allocated pension providing a market‑linked income stream. Open to new members from December 2005 to 20 September 2007, when the scheme design was superseded.

Find out more at GESB

The schemes administered by GESB on behalf of the Department of Treasury include: 

  • Parliamentary Pension Scheme – An untaxed defined pension scheme requiring member contributions to receive a lifetime indexed pension, for Members of State Parliament from 1970 to 10 October 2000 when it was closed to new members.
  • Judges’ Pension Scheme – An untaxed defined pension scheme providing a lifetime indexed pension, for current and former members of the Western Australian judiciary.

The schemes administered by the Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Board include: 

  • FESS Super defined benefit accounts – A taxed defined benefit scheme requiring member contributions to receive a lump sum benefit. The open default fund for new permanent employees of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services of Western Australia. 
  • FESS Super accumulation accounts – A taxed accumulation scheme available to temporary and casual employees of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services of Western Australia, and members with a defined benefit account.
  • FESS Super Account Based Pensions – A taxed allocated pension. Open to FESS Super members who retire or transition to retirement.

Find out more at FESS Super

* Untaxed funds are also known as ‘deferred tax’ funds, because employer contributions, salary-sacrifice contributions and investment earnings are taxed (at up to 15%) when a lump sum benefit is paid to the member or transferred to a taxed fund. In taxed funds, these amounts are taxed when they are credited to the member’s superannuation account.

Page reviewed 19 February 2020