Learn more - Privacy and Responsible Information Sharing

Take a look at the discussion paper and other resources on the proposed privacy and information sharing arrangements

The need for change

We have an important role to play in finding solutions to some of the biggest challenges that face the community. It is important for us to work with our agencies, and with authorised third parties as effectively as possible to deliver for Western Australia.

Discussion paper

Discussion paper image

Let's start the conversation

This discussion paper outlines why we need to strengthen WA’s privacy and information sharing policies and ways we can do this, outlining a proposed model.

View the Privacy and Responsible Information Sharing discussion paper.

View a short explanation of the Privacy and Responsible Information Sharing issues being considered.


View the Privacy and Responsible Information Sharing short explaination in:

Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese







Information Session Recording 

This public information session was recorded on Friday 13 September 2019 with the support of a number of WA Community Resource Centres and Linkwest. 

Media releases

5 August 2019 - State Government’s commitment to stronger, clearer privacy protections for Western Australians


Page reviewed 17 December 2019