Apply for a WA Seniors Card

Permanent Western Australian residents aged 63 years or above who work less than 25 hours per week in paid employment can apply for a WA Seniors Card.

To be eligible for the WA Seniors Card program, you need to be aged 63 years or above, a permanent resident of Western Australia and work less than 25 hours per week in paid employment, averaged over a 12 month period. It is advised that you read the full set of terms and conditions before applying for a WA Seniors Card. Your WA Seniors Card does not need to be renewed, however, please advise the WA Seniors Card Centre if you change your address or lose your card.

Lodge your application

Option 1 - Apply online

You can apply online for a WA Seniors Card via the WA Seniors Card website.

Option 2 - Apply by post or email

The WA Seniors Card application form is available to download from the WA Seniors Card eligibility page, or alternatively pick up a copy at the WA Seniors Card Centre or at your local Australia Post outlet.

Post to WA Seniors Card Centre Locked Bag 3 PERTH BC WA 6849 or email

Option 3 - Apply in person at the WA Seniors Card Centre

Seniors Card Centre on Railway Lane at 140 William Street. Enter from Murray St Mall between Cotton On and Forever New (opposite Target).

Page reviewed 2 December 2019