Apply for transport assistance for your child

You can apply for school bus services to help transport your child to and from school.

School Bus Services is responsible for providing eligible rural students and students with special needs free transport assistance to travel to and from school on contracted school buses.

These services are critical to ensure that students are able to attend school regularly.

You can check your eligibility for these services on the School Bus Services information for parents page.

Before you access the form we recommend you have the following information available:

  • parent or carer details including date of birth, telephone number, fax and email address
  • student’s details
  • the number of days per week the student will be travelling to school
  • name of the school the student will be attending
  • the shortest practical distance in kilometres from the student’s home to the student’s school
  • the shortest practical distance in from the student’s home to the closest existing bus stop
  • details regarding any medical conditions, allergies, or disabilities of the student
  • If applicable, details of student’s wheelchair such as make, model and weight
  • alternative contacts i.e.the name, address and contact details of at least two individuals who the PTA or the bus contractor/driver can contact in the unlikely event of an emergency

You can also contact the School Bus Service by sending an email to: or visit the School Bus Services website to find the best contact for your area and transport assistance needs.

Page reviewed 3 January 2019