Switch (WA Public Sector)

Supporting the mobilisation of WA public sector staff

Switch (WA Public Sector) is a new initiative being trialled in 20 government departments to support response and recovery related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Directors general have agreed to identify staff who can be mobilised to work outside their particular department and be placed in other departments to deliver essential and critical services. 

Switch uses a system called Sidekicker to help departments match available staff with short term demand.

It may be extended to other agencies at a later date if there is demand across the sector for staff mobilisation.

It’s easy to Switch

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Basis for mobilisation

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Decisions about mobilising and placing staff are consistent with the human resource management principles set out under section 8 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (PSM Act). Mobilisations are up to six months, agreed to in writing and consistent with secondment provisions under section 66 of the PSM Act and other statutes that provide for employers to enter into arrangements to make use of public sector staff. Mobilisation is not intended to replace normal recruitment practices. 

Page reviewed 19 May 2020