Prescribed burns notifications

A listing of all prescribed burns being conducted in the state today and those in progress.

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ (DBCA) prescribed burning program protects lives, property and infrastructure from bushfires through a carefully planned regime of controlled burns.

The benefits of prescribed burning include lower fuel loads across larger areas of the State’s south-west helping the department to reduce the severity and size of bushfires.

Smoke from prescribed burns may reduce visibility on some roads. Motorists should take care, turn on headlights and travel at appropriate speeds when travelling in these areas.

If smoke affects you:

  • it is recommended people shut doors and windows, and turn off air-conditioners
  • people with asthma and pre-existing respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses should follow their pre-prepared treatment plan
  • people with conditions exacerbated by smoke should take precautions in line with their medical advice for these circumstances

For fires on DBCA managed land call 61 8 9219 8000.

Page reviewed 2 December 2019