Submit commercial fishing trip returns

Fishers, receivers and processors can submit data related to trip returns using Fish Eye online services.

This includes pre-fishing, pre-landing and post-landing nominations, receiver consignment records, and all the other information submitted for catch and effort monitoring as part of a fisher’s trip return.

This function speeds up the data collection process and enables us to provide fishers with a view of their entitlement remaining more quickly, based on the information submitted.

If you are a Master you can choose to use Fish Eye online services to submit trip returns instead of the existing paper Catch and Disposal Record (CDR) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.

Masters can also choose to use CatchER mobile app to submit trip returns.

However, only one method can be used to complete each trip. If you submit your pre-fishing nomination using Fish Eye Online Services, you will need to submit your pre-landing and post-landing nominations using Fish Eye online services also. This is also the case if you start your trip return using CatchER or CDR/IVR.

Registered users will also be able to view their history for all transactions they have submitted. This includes any submissions made using CatchER or via the CDR/IVR systems.

If you are nominated into the roles

  • MFL Holder
  • MFL Online Operator
  • Receiver Certificate/Processor Licence Holder
  • Receiver/Processor Online Operator

you will be able to view all transaction history related to the nominating business licence.

Page reviewed 11 December 2017