Access registered sex offender information

The Community Protection website provides access to photographs and information on Western Australia’s most dangerous and high risk sexual offenders.

The website will enable parents and guardians to make enquiries with Western Australia Police Force about any person who has unsupervised contact to their child or children.

The website provides three tiers of information access to ensure that families and the public have information on known sex offenders, which will assist with the protection and safety of children and the community.

The Community Protection website will not publish the photograph, personal details or release any information of an offender who is under the age of 18 years.

The three tiers are:

  • missing offenders - provides photographs and personal details of reportable offenders who have either failed to comply with their reporting obligations, provided false or misleading information to police and whose location or whereabouts is not known to police
  • local search - provides photographs of dangerous and high risk offenders in your suburb or surrounding suburbs
  • disclosure scheme - allows a parent or guardian of a child to inquire about a specific person who has regular contact with their child

Tier 2 and 3 will require you to provide some personal details and submit an application.  

Applications can be processed online.

Page reviewed 14 May 2019