Common Use Arrangement (CUA) information for agency staff buying consumption-based services.

The GovNext-ICT CUA:

  • Is a foundational element of the WA Government ICT Strategy 2016 – 2020 Digital WA
  • Aims to consolidate government data centre requirements, provide Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service cloud services and create a unified, multi-vendor network for the whole of WA government
  • Aims to reduce Government’s spend on ICT infrastructure and move it from a capital intensive, ownership model, to a flexible as-a-service model of only consuming and paying for what is required
  • Establishes a fair, orderly and transparent market where three vendor consortia actively compete to provide ICT infrastructure services to customers

About this CUA

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Contract structure

The CUA consists of a number of contractual documents, establishing standing offers with three prime contractors each to deliver a full complement ‘stack’ of services within defined service categories.

A service catalogue, which is maintained for each prime contractor, details the services available.

For more information on the documents making up the CUA see the Supporting information section.

Prior to seeking any services from this CUA (before ‘ordering’), eligible state entities must ‘enrol’. Eligible state entities can enrol with any or all of the Prime Contractors for procuring services.

Standard contract terms have been agreed on behalf of all customers. Customers can seek to negotiate their own, agency specific, requirements in their enrolment agreement or in an individual order.

New ICT services can be added to Prime Contractors’ service catalogues from time to time with Government Service Broker (GSB) approval.

Service towers

  • Co-location Services (Infrastructure Co-location, Data Centre Link) – Data Centre housing of server, storage and networking equipment and related services.
  • Network Services (Network Connectivity (Site), Network Connectivity (Data Centre)) – on demand data connectivity related services.
  • Gateway Services (Internet Access, Security Zone) – on demand internet access and support services.
  • Cloud Services (Private Cloud Services) – on demand compute, storage and backup solutions and related services.
  • IP Telephony Services (IP Telephony, IP Telephony with Unified Communications, Standard Contact Centre IP Telephony, Advanced Contact Centre IP Telephony) – on demand voice and unified communications services and related services.
  • POTS Telephony Services (POTS Telephony) – Plain Old Telephony (analogue) voice communications services.

Benefits and features

  • Enables state government agencies to implement the Digital WA Strategy by providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) options.
  • Provides a standardised GovNext procurement process for all eligible state entities requirements.
  • Provides the ability for eligible state entities to negotiate individual contracts terms where required.
  • Leverages whole of government scale, competitive tension and most favourable customer pricing to drive down costs throughout the life of the CUA and individual orders.
  • Provides the ability for eligible state entities to take advantage of innovative products that emerge over the contract term.
  • Provides the ability for eligible state entities to implement more reliable service delivery and reduce service delivery time.
  • Improves transparency on ICT assets and consumption for whole of WA government and provides eligible state entities with better means to reduce financial risk.
  • Provides eligible state entities with better disaster recovery capability, increased cyber security, and a greater ability to collaborate with other state entities.

What's on offer?

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Service description and categories

GovNext-ICT Common Use Arrangement GNICT2015 provides consumption based services (predominantly Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)) across the following broad service categories and services:

Co-location services

Infrastructure Co-location

  • Housing of datacentre racks in Tier III data centres.
  • Management of equipment in Tier III data centre (optional).

Data Centre Link

  • Data centre link - Fibre, light path or communication link between two GovNext Data centres.

Network Services

Network Connectivity (Site)

  • Provision of network access to a site (to wall plates with sites, ready to connect personnel devices).

Network Connectivity (Data Centre)

  • Provision of network connectivity to an existing agency data centre as a transition measure (optional).

Gateway Services

Internet Access

  • Managed access to the internet.

Security Zone

  • Creation of security zones (DMZ and similar).

Private Cloud Services

Private Cloud

  • Multi-Tenant (Private cloud) Infrastructure as a Service.
  • Multi-Tenant (Private cloud) AIX Infrastructure as a Service (optional).

IP Telephony Services

IP Telephony

  • Supply of telephony and voicemail.

IP Telephony with Unified Communications

  • Supply of telephony, voicemail, instant messaging and presence.

Standard Contact Centre IP Telephony

  • Centralised supply of Customer Contact Centre software.

Advanced Contact Centre IP Telephony

  • Centralised supply of Customer Contact Centre software (Advanced)

POTS Telephony Services

  • Delivery of and connection to analogue phone services. 

Out of scope activity

Software-as-a-service, database-as-a-service and public cloud hosting services are not within scope of this CUA.

Buying rules

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Consuming services

The majority of services offered under this CUA are bought on a consumption basis. You will only be charged for what you use. Refer to the service catalogues for information on how each service category is priced.

You will need to monitor usage levels and ensure you are not being charged for services that are not or no longer required. To assist with capacity management practices, the Prime Contractors will provide detailed reports on each service category and service catalogue item for billing purposes. You may set monthly billing thresholds and alerts in order to manage consumption within defined allocations.

Prime Contractors are required to provide the following information for each of the services offered so that customers can make informed consumption choices:

  • Current monthly service costs per user
  • Monthly consumption volumes per service
  • Historic monthly consumption costs and volumes.

Selecting Prime Contractors and services

All three Prime Contractors each deliver a full complement ‘stack’ of ‘standard services’ (defined below) and unified service management across all of their services. This allows customers to engage a single Prime Contractor for all of their service needs.

Alternatively, customers can procure services from multiple Prime Contractors based on value for money considerations, as all standard services and standard service options are comparable and interoperable.

Customers should discuss their needs with the Prime Contractors to determine the best fit for the services required.

Types of services

CUA GNICT2015 provides a variety of services that are categorised as follows (refer to service catalogue(s) for a breakdown of the classifications of services on offer):

  • Standard Services – are services offered by all three Prime Contractors under the Service Towers and are mandatory for eligible state entities.
  • Standard Service Options – are variations or additions to the standard services offered by all three (3) Prime Contractors under the Service Towers, enabling eligible state entities to consume variations to the mandatory services.
  • Additional Services – are services that may be offered by one or more of the Prime Contractors to meet specific buyer needs within the Service Towers. Additional Services are non-mandatory for all eligible state entities.

Buying rules

The GovNext CUA establishes a fair, orderly and transparent market for ICT infrastructure services. The ability to select between the Prime Contractors who offer comparable services allows customers to drive down prices by frequently seeking quotes for service renewals.

Customers are encouraged to discuss their needs with GSB prior to, or during, procurement activities.

Procurements $250,000 and above require the involvement of Department of Finance’s Government Procurement business unit. For best practice, buyers are advised to contact their Department of Finance procurement representatives early in the procurement stage.

Contract value Number of quotes
≤ $250K p.a. At least 1 quote
< $2m p.a. At least 2 quotes
≥ $2m p.a. 3 quotes

Customers must use the buying process identified in the How do I buy? section.

Customers are encouraged to seek quotations from all three Prime Contractors regardless of purchase value or the estimated contract value, especially for the first order under a service tower, or if more than 12 months since prices were tested.

Buyers can select the quotation that provides best value for money for their organisation and place an order with the relevant Prime Contractor. Orders should be placed per service category item, except for (Site) Network Services and POTS Telephony, where orders can be placed per site.

Variations to existing orders and services

Customers can vary existing orders, to add additional capacity without extending the term.

For order variations where the order value exceeds $2million per annum per service category, customers must seek an alternative quote from at least one (1) other Prime Contractor.

For variations in term extensions, buying rules apply based on the revised order value.

Repeat and additional orders

Where a customer has an existing order for a Service Tower, further orders within that Service Tower may be placed or orders repeated with the existing supplier subject to the customer being satisfied that value for money is maintained. This can be achieved by checking the service catalogue if the service order pricing is still as good or better than the current service catalogue prices to ensure continued best pricing.

If value for money is not substantiated or recorded customers are required to seek alternative quotes according to the buying rules.

Procurement approach

Unlike other procurement processes, there is significant flexibility in how customers engage with the Prime Contractors through the procurement lifecycle. The procurement process is specifically designed to be interactive.

While order forms (available through the eDecision Aid link ) should still be used to seek quotes and formalise orders, customers are able to discuss requirements and conduct workshops with the Prime Contractors prior to requesting quotes, during the advertising period and during evaluations (to seek clarifications on service offerings).

For further information on this, please contact your Department of Finance procurement representatives or GSB at

Contract updates

  • GovNext-ICT Umbrella Agreement initial term is extended from 5 years to 7 years.
  • Order terms survive the expiry of the Umbrella Agreement.

Procuring by methods other than the CUA

The GovNext-ICT CUA GNICT2015 is a mandatory CUA, however in exceptional cases approval may be granted to purchase through alternative mechanisms. The following two pathways exist:

  • Exemptions; and
  • Policy approvals.

In both cases requests should be directed to the GovNext Service Broker at the Office of Digital Government. Requests must be received in writing (by email) and must provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.


Exemptions occur where a mandatory service is available under the CUA, however, an agency requires to purchase it in the same form from another source, for reasons such as value for money, business continuity or risk management measures. For example, Network Connectivity is a mandatory service that falls under the Network Services Tower. Should a customer require this service from a provider other than the three (3) Prime Contractors for justifiable reasons they could seek an exemption from the GovNext CUA.

GSB will provide a recommendation regarding the exemption request to the Department of Finance for formal endorsement.

Policy approvals

Policy approvals occur where a mandatory service is available under the CUA and an agency wishes approval to purchase it in a different form to that on offer. For example, Network Connectivity is a mandatory service that falls under the Network Services Tower. The approved purchasing mechanism for consuming this service is to lease network equipment. Should a customer wish to purchase equipment outright this would constitute a policy approval as:

  • there is a consumption based purchasing mechanism for this service already available under GovNext; and
  • the agency’s proposed purchasing mechanism is at odds with the policy requirements of the State ICT Strategy “Digital WA” (or its equivalent from time to time).

Policy approvals will require strong justification for why the service should not be purchased in compliance with the State’s policy. Where this justification is related to plans to transition an agency into GovNext, timeframes must be provided outlining the timing of the transition.

GSB will review policy approvals on a case by case basis and provide customers with advice on whether it has granted approval

Buying suggestions

The GovNext-ICT CUA GNICT2015 Prime Contractors provide the best value for money to the Western Australian government. Customers may be able to optimise the value provided to their agency by considering the following guidelines:

Commodity service prices

Services are highly commoditised. Customers should select a Prime Contractor which offers the best value for money for these services.

Metro vs. regional

It is possible that separate Prime Contractors for metropolitan and regional areas will represent best value for money. The GovNext network architecture ensure interoperability between the Network Services of different Prime Contractors.

As per the Regional Purchasing Discretion section of the Buy Local Policy, Government agencies with branch offices in regional Western Australia that purchase goods or services for delivery and use in the region have authority to buy locally, up to the value of $50,000 per line item, even when a mandatory common use contract exists.

For the purposes of GovNext, a regional supplier refers to one that is registered as being from within the region in question (if it is a company); or who has a business registered in that regional area if it is a business.

For further information on Regional Purchasing Discretion please refer to the Buy Local policy

Service catalogue variations

Customers may request modifications to existing services or request new services to meet their special needs by contacting the GSB and requesting a service catalogue addition or variation. The GSB will negotiate any service catalogue addition or variation on behalf of the Customers.

Examples of additional services that customers might request are, for instance: service maintenance, implementation, training and support services.

Services can be varied where required for acceptable business reasons submitted in writing and authorised by the GSB.

Other policy requirements

Public Authorities should be aware of the following requirements under State Supply Commission policies and Treasurer’s Instruction 820, and whether or not they are applicable to purchases from this CUA:

Requirement Applicable to purchases made under this CUA?
Buyers must publish details of their purchase, or any variation to any purchase under this CUA, on TendersWA. Yes, for all orders above $50,000.
Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. Yes, for all orders above $50,000.
Buyers must submit the GovNext Procurement Plan and a Contract Management Plan to the State Tender Review Committee. Yes, for all purchases above $5 million.
Where an exemption is sought from this requirement ODG must be consulted prior to the exemption going to Government Procurement for approval.
Buyers must obtain advice and support from the ODG and approval from Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this mandatory CUA. Yes, for all Standard Services and Standard Service Options at all values.
Please note that public authorities are not required to request advice or approval, regardless of value, when seeking an exemption from the use of mandatory Common Use Arrangements for a purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business.
Mandatory Gateway Review Yes, for all orders $10 million and above. 
Contact as early as possible in your buying journey, as the lead times for arranging a review can be lengthy


Who are the prime contractors?

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The three Prime Contractors able to provide services under CUAGNICT2015 are listed below. Each must provide a complete Service Stack offering all service categories listed in the What's on offer? section.

Making the most of this contract

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Buying tips:

  • Use the eDecision Aid to access contract documentation, service catalogues and procurement templates
  • Procurements of $250,000 and above require Department of Finance Government Procurement representative's involvement. Get in contact with your assigned Government Procurement Representative early to discuss your buying needs
  • The Contractor's service catalogue rates are indicative rates only. Rates will be provided during the quotation process
  • Assess quotations on solution proposed, value for money, experience, risks and costs
  • For Service Catalogue clarification including what is in scope, contact the GovNext Service Broker

What will it cost?

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Price confidentiality

Pricing information is ‘commercial in confidence’ and as such unauthorised use of the information is strictly prohibited.

Service catalogues contain pricing for some services. Where the service catalogues do not contain prices for a service, the services in question are likely to delivered in a bespoke methodology specific to the customer. Prime Contractors will provide prices for these services on request for a quotation.

Service catalogues are available for viewing to approved CUA buyers only.

Access to the pricing information requires the user to log in with a password. This can be accessed via the eDecision Aid

As these service catalogues are commercial in confidence, customers must ensure that they do not distribute the catalogues outside their agency once downloaded. Agency contractors who have a legitimate need to access the catalogues must treat the catalogues as confidential information.

Most favourable customer pricing

All customers are eligible for the same customer relationship terms and service prices. Where a Prime Contractor offers discounted prices to a customer; all other customers of that contractor are eligible to receive the updated prices, provided that the services are the same or substantially similar to those the discounted prices applied to.

Where these discounted prices are applicable, they will apply to all new orders, and to all existing orders from the date the discounted price was first offered.

Core Levy

Under the terms of the umbrella agreement, the Core Levy is mandatory for all GovNext-ICT services for government employee FTE (but is only paid once, not once per service tower), and cannot be avoided through technical architecture or other reasons.

The Core Levy price and calculation methods are fixed. Only under specific conditions can the FTE scope be modified, subject to approval by the GovNext-ICT Interoperability Committee (IOC). Agencies with a significant non-corporate workforce may present a proposal to the IOC for a reduced FTE model for calculation of the Core Levy, on a “fair use” basis.

Core Levy Current Rates (effective May 2019)

Data Centre Connect: $2.50

Site Connect: $6.50

Data Centre Connectivity means the temporary provision of connectivity between one or more Customer Data Centres and a GovNext Data Centre. The Data Centre Connectivity Levy cannot be charged in place of the Site Connectivity Levy.

Site Network Services means any service which involves the provision of wide area network and local area network connectivity.

Where applicable, invoicing of the DC Connect Core Levy can, by written agreement between the parties, be undertaken by the provider of the Gateway Service rather than the provider of the DC Connect service.

The total number of Site Connectivity Levies and Data Connectivity Levies charged for a customer is less than or equal to the number of customer staff. No Data Centre Connectivity Levy is charged for any customer staff member for which a Site Connectivity Levy has been charged.

Orders for the Gateway Service must always specify the FTE coverage (user base) of the service, even if the bandwidth service option is being ordered.

Order form

It is required that all order forms for GovNext-ICT services clearly set out the following, regardless of the invoicing arrangements for any applicable Core Levy:

  • Total FTE being serviced by this order (including the FTE coverage for other public sector entities incorporated within the scope of the service.
  • Where the service has an implication to the charging of the Core Levy:
    • FTE for basis of Core Levy Charge
    • Current Core Levy rate (noting that the rate is subject to change, and that invoicing will apply the current rate in force at the time of invoicing).

Payment by purchasing card

The government Purchasing Card offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased.

Always remember to inform the supplier that you will be paying by government Purchasing Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.

How do I buy?

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See the agency procurement of GovNext services flowchart for step-by-step buying process. 

For further information about the division of roles and responsibilities between Government Procurement and the GovNext-ICT Service Broker, view the Roles and Responsibilities overview.

For background information and lessons learned by other government agencies, view the GovNext-ICT case study booklet

Supporting information

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The eDecision Aid contains:

Umbrella Agreements - The agreements between the State and each Prime Contractor that establishes the GovNext-ICT CUA GNICT2015 framework:

  • Defines the relationship between the State and each Prime Contractor;
  • Establishes the framework that allows government agencies (eligible state entities) to join the GovNext-ICT CUA GNICT2015 framework and order ICT services; and
  • Note that each Prime Contractor has its own Umbrella Agreement, although the differences between each document are minor in nature.

Enrolment Form - The instrument by which eligible state entities enrol into the GovNext-ICT CUA GNICT2015 framework. The enrolment form:

  • Establishes the agreement between the customer and the relevant contactor; and
  • Immediately triggers the customer relationship terms between the Prime Contractor and the customer; but
  • Does not constitute an order for specific services; and
  • Note that a separate enrolment form is required for each Prime Contractor the eligible state entity wishes to enrol with.

Customer Relationship Terms - The relationship arrangements between the Prime Contractor and the customer:

  • Defines the terms that govern the relationship between a customer and the Prime Contractor;
  • Comes into effect automatically on the signing of an enrolment agreement; and
  • Note that each Prime Contractor has its own customer relationship terms, although the differences between each document are extremely minor in nature.

Service Category Terms - The categories of services offered under the Umbrella Agreement:

  • Defines the specific legal, commercial and technical terms that apply to each service.

Service Catalogue - The catalogue outlining the services available under each Prime Contractor:

  • Defines and outlines the high level details of each service a Prime Contractor provides;
  • Provides information on the service options available to customers from the Prime Contractor; and
  • Outlines minimum service levels required under the CUA.

Buying process and templates - The instruments by which a quoted service is sought. It is used by customers to order services under the GovNext framework and:

  • Allows customers and Prime Contractors to agree additional terms within the scope of the service category terms; and
  • May be supported with customer requirements specifications and other order information required by the customer and Prime Contractor to order and fulfil services.


Page reviewed 14 May 2020